Imperial Valley Press

We must condemn Hamas and those among us who support the terror


One of the very first pieces of verse that I ever memorized was this, from Pastor Martin Neimoller: “First they came for the Communists / and I did not speak out / because I was not a Communist.

“Then they came for the Socialists / and I did not speak out / because I was not a Socialist.

“Then they came for the trade unionists / and I did not speak out / because I was not a trade unionist.

“Then they came for the Jews / and I did not speak out / because I was not a Jew.

“Then they came for me / and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

I think of these words often, because I deal with oppression and human rights violations on a daily basis. My work, cherished as it is, brings me face-to-face with the ugliest parts of humanity.

I have clients who have been raped, kidnapped, tortured, barred from their churches, stripped of their livelihood­s, threatened with death, and almost killed.

And in each of these cases, there is that one single truth at play: had there been someone who stepped up and said something to defend or protect them, they might not have been refugees.

We need to speak out when we see injustice. We need to speak out clearly, unequivoca­lly, and without the kind of whatabouti­sm that often infects our conversati­ons.

We need to stare down evil, use the right words, and condemn it. And that is why we need to condemn Hamas and all of those who support it and voted for it.

It is actually quite easy to condemn a terror group. When you see someone invade a territory without provocatio­n, kidnap and then decapitate babies, rape their mothers, put bullets through the heads of elderly bus riders and disappear hundreds of young, innocent Israeli concertgoe­rs, you do not have the luxury of nuance.

There is no gray area. These people, these savages, have emerged from the gates of a terrestria­l Hell.

Do not make the mistake of calling them animals, as my friend Paul reminded me the other day. Animals do not have a sense of right and wrong, of moral and profane, of virtue and vice.

Animals are reactive, not proactive, and they do not have feelings. Animals kill to survive, not to punish.

Palestinia­n terrorists are not animals. For all of their animalisti­c tendencies, they still have the agency that God gives to all of his creation, what we Catholics call “free will.”

They understand the consequenc­es of their actions, and that makes those actions even more repellent than their inherent nature because those consequenc­es are not inevitable.

Palestinia­n terrorists want to destroy, and that is what they have been doing for decades.

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