Imperial Valley Press

Vote no on the recall

- ARTURO BOJÓRQUEZ Adelante Valle Editor Arturo Bojórquez can be reached at abojorquez@ivpressonl­ or (760) 335-4646

First of all, I must say I am not a Raul Ureña or Gilberto Manzanarez fan. Their quasi-dictatoria­l style (“either my way or no way” approach) is opposed to those demands both public officials made before turning their hats off for the job. Transparen­cy, equality, and accountabi­lity are not necessaril­y values shown while performing the political duties they were sworn for.

However, it is inconceiva­ble for me to see past irreconcil­able enemies come together and join this effort.

It must be highlighte­d the huge effort recall committee members and leaders have made to promote first the collecting of signatures and now the vote against the city council members. I was truly surprised the group was able to collect enough signatures to move the recall on as I thought the effort would gather just a hundred signatures at the beginning.

Regardless, the arguments for the recall do not convince me at all. Recall members have criticized the alleged tax increases proposed by the council majority while pinpointin­g the incoming homeless population, heavy traffic, and lack of transporta­tion. In the first item, the proposal is to ask voters their opinions about collecting more taxes and fees to help revive the downtown area. About the second and third items, none of them are new, while in the transporta­tion issue, the city has taxi cabs and other services that help residents get from one side to another in town. Back in the years, the recall leader was one of the harshest critics of the transit bus company for alleged illegaliti­es.

Another topic that brought the recall effort was the lack of support for public safety and increased crime in the city – an item that although interim Chief of Police Armando Orozco, I guess, would disagree. Regarding the Fire Station 2 controvers­y, the premise is in the process of rehabilita­tion and reopening in the future.

Moreover, some recall committee members have been harsh towards colleague journalist­s – a clear example that the effort is based on pure hate. The most pathetic fact is that the recall leader will not vote for the recall, as she is an El Centro resident and voter.

Regarding the hate thing, recall members have continuous­ly criticized day and night everything about Ureña and Manzanarez. Months ago, before a storm hit town, the Mayor helped distribute sandbags to residents. The group’s response was to even in some cases make fun of the mayor, instead of helping those fearing getting their homes flooded.

Calexicans, you have been misled by fear, ignorance, and bigotry – from both sides. Recall leaders have used this effort to target two individual­s just for their ideology and, if that’s not hate, then I don’t know what hate is. The targeted city officials have simply become scapegoats for Calexico’s fate produced by past administra­tions.

Arguments for the recall have also underlined the lack of new investment, but I hope residents can remember when was the last time the town had a significan­t, relevant company opening.

Before filling bubbles in the special election ballots, Calexicans should ask themselves a simple question – Would Calexico become a safe, clean, prosperous city? The answer to that question must be the same for the recall.

Plus, messages shared by recall committee members leaning extremist Republican­s in their messages with the “Making Calexico Great Again” are not good for anyone here.

Both sides MUST come and work together for the benefit of the public instead of holding political wars that negatively impact every resident while bringing no benefits at all. Think how $200,000 the special election is expected to cost would have been spent for the city instead of having this useless recall.

In the meantime, residents should have waited for those who plan to run in November and then make a decision.

Recall drama might be put to an end by mid-April, but the drama will continue regardless of the next council members and issues in the city. Only in Calexico.

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