Imperial Valley Press

Patient with paradoxica­l vocal cord motion seeks new treatment


I’m a 71-year-old man, and seven or eight years ag o, I was diagnosed with asthma using the challenge test. I was prescribed Symbicort, which helped me e xercise a little better. ( Exercising is the only time I can tell I ha ve asthma.)

A couple years later, I was diagnosed with paradoxica­l vocal cord motion disorder (PC VM) by the use of a camer a inserted through my nose. The idea recently occurred to me that I may not be getting the full benefit of Symbicort because of PVCM. The primary treatment for PVCM seems to be speech therapy, which did not help a t all.

The only other treatment I’ve been able to find are Botox injections into the vocal cords, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of liter ature on this procedure. Do you have an opinion on PVCM reducing the effect of Symbicort, and are you aware of other treatments for PVCM? -- D.D.

Very early in my career, I had a patient with inducible laryngeal obstructio­n ( ILO, also called paradoxica­l vocal cord motion) tha t had been mistaken for asthma until she, like you, had direct observatio­n of the larynx during an episode.

It turns out that she didn’t have asthma at all, but there are people who ha ve both asthma and ILO. When this happens, as thma is still treated


the same way it’s treated in everybody else, and inhaled steroids like Symbicort are the usual first- line treatment for people who have more than the very mildest of symptoms.

Normally, the vocal folds (“cords”) open wide when you breathe in. But in people with ILO, the vocal folds come together so tightly that it’s hard to breathe in and out, and a sound ver y much like wheezing can be heard.

I do not think your IL O is keeping Symbicort from working. If air is g etting into your lungs, then Symbicort will, too; it is a power ful anti- inflammato­ry medicine. The fact that you felt be tter on it is good evidence of its effectiven­ess.

With any given episode that you have, though, it may be difficult to tell whe ther it’s asthma or ILO causing the symptoms. An ac ute asthma attack is treated with a different inhaler ( such as albuterol), whereas an attack of ILO can often be stopped by panting. Very severe episodes can be treated with positive airway pressure ( CPAP) or by a helium/oxygen mixture.

If a trigger for ILO can be found, then it should be avoided. Common triggers include airway irritants like cleaning chemicals, dust or smoke, and strong perfumes. Speech- language pathologis­ts have several tools at their disposal to help. T his is not the most common diagnosis, so you ma y do better with a different speech- language pathologis­t who has more e xperience with ILO.

I have never seen Botox used for ILO, but in a study on patients who weren’t getting good results with the standard treatment, 85% got better after an average of four injec tions. There are possible side effects in this case, including voice changes and trouble swallowing.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med.cornell. edu or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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