Imperial Valley Press

SHS principal waves au revoir, goodbye


Un autre aigle quitte le nid, another Eagle leaves the nest this school year

She has been a lady of class, responsibi­lity, and hard work but has also been a great wife, friend and coworker. Mickaëlle Bonfils-Roncal has been a beacon of inspiratio­n and has worked in various countries and specialtie­s, but her time as an educator is coming to an end.

Bonfils-Roncal originally from a small town in France, Servon-surVilaine came to SHS and adapted to the different culture. She started as a French teacher in 1996 in Scotland, then in Calexico in 1998 and English in 2004 at SHS. Later on, she became the vice principal of curriculum and academics. After years of her hard work and her sacrifices, she is retiring this year ready for a journey of travels.

“It was overwhelmi­ng because you don’t really know what you are doing,” Bonfils-Roncal said. “As a new teacher, your goal is to survive. Every time I started a new job in a new school, I had great support from my colleagues; that made it easier for me to be able to breathe.”

De nombreuses années en tant que professeur d’anglais

She spent many years as a language teacher while connecting and leaving a subtle but mighty impact on her fellow teachers.

“She is such a big personalit­y and such a great mentor, whether she intended to be a mentor or not she just is,” Christina Ramirez said. “She is always open to talk to you about students, your lessons, and if you’re having a bad day or if you’re having a great day. She was always willing to be a part of that and give advice and support.”

Professeur d’anglais, English teacher Ramirez worked alongside Bonfils-Roncal when she worked in the English department. Ramirez got to see Bonfils-Roncal blossom into the leader she is today.

“She is undefinabl­e, in terms of everything she does here at the school,” Ramirez said. “She goes above and beyond always has. She’s always willing to listen to students, to teachers, and to staff.”

Faire le changement

Making the change from teacher to principal of curriculum didn’t stop her from maintainin­g a positive attitude and staying a true friend until the end.

“One of my favorite memories of Mrs. Bonfils is when we got together as English teachers to play board games, and we were playing Taboo,” English teacher Rebecca Scott said. “She kept accidental­ly saying the ‘ taboo’ terms because she was so excited to win. I think that shows a lot of why I love her as my friend. She is fun, competitiv­e, and enthusiast­ic.”

“I’ve built a really good relationsh­ip with her where even if we have different opinions on something we can talk it through and still continue our friendship outside of work,” Ramirez said. “You have to be someone who is willing to be profession­al when you need to be and also just be a friend when that’s


Elle est tombée amoureuse

Where is Bonfils from? She is from France and comes all the way from Servon-sur-Villaine, a small town known for its agricultur­e much like El Centro. The two modern romance languages aren’t the only Spanish and French things that fell in love, and she married fellow SHS teacher Edward Roncal.

“I met her through my sister because they used to work together,” Roncal said. “Her beautiful blue eyes and the way she’s loving unconditio­nally caught my attention right away.”

She fell in love and came to El Centro with a dream and a loving husband at every step of the way.

“I am very excited about the next chapter of my life and that I get to share it with my best friend--my husband,” said Bonfils-Roncal.

Ça touche à sa fin

It’s coming to an end as she retires this year and prepares for a life of traveling and love alongside her family.

“My husband and I are retiring together and we love to travel,” Bonfils-Roncal said. “So our plan is to explore the U.S.A, México, Québec and of course France.”

Bonfils est aimé

Bonfils is loved all around campus and continues to be a beacon of inspiratio­n and integrity for the teachers and students who will come for years to come.

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” Roncal said.

As retirement beckons, Bonfils-Roncal reflected on a lifetime of wisdom and humor. Let’s sprinkle some joy into this journey with a charming collection of random quotes.

“She loves chocolate, she loves food in general,” Ramirez said. “I think it’s a French trait she has.”

“I am also looking forward to not having to set up the alarm at 5:30 am every morning, drinking my coffee while looking at the ocean, and spending time with my husband, kids, and family,” Bonfils-Roncal said.

 ?? SANCHEZ PHOTO COURTESY OF CESAR SOLORZANO ?? Mickaëlle Bonfils-Roncal poses in her oŒce at Southwest High School. Bonfils-Roncal is retiring at the end of this year after many years as a teacher and administra­tor at SHS.
SANCHEZ PHOTO COURTESY OF CESAR SOLORZANO Mickaëlle Bonfils-Roncal poses in her oŒce at Southwest High School. Bonfils-Roncal is retiring at the end of this year after many years as a teacher and administra­tor at SHS.

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