In Touch (USA)

Kim’s S After Terrifying Robbery …

Kim Kardashian realizes her nightmare is only just beginning after robbers take off with her cellphones — and the private informatio­n on them


Kim Kardashian thought she was going to die. At around 3 a.m. on Oct. 3, five masked gunmen wearing police jackets entered Paris’ Hôtel de Pourtalès, threatened a concierge and forced him to open Kim’s private apartment. Two of the men entered the room, and as Kim begged for her life, they gagged her, bound her hands and feet with tape and put her in the bathtub before locking the door. At one point, they held a gun to her head. Then they made off with her purse, 1,000 euros, nearly $7 million in jewels and a $4.5 million ring. “She’s never been so scared in her life,” a source says of Kim, who was in town for Fashion Week. “She’s still in a state of shock.”

And the terrifying ordeal isn’t over. Kim, who was physically unharmed in the attack, is facing a new threat: The robbers walked away with two of her personal cellphones that, according to multiple sources, contain very important and extremely private text messages, emails, photos and videos that could not only destroy Kim, 35, they could tear apart her family. “Kim’s a nervous wreck right now. She can’t sleep and is refusing to go outside,” an insider tells In Touch. “She isn’t even worried about the jewels; all she cares about is getting her phones back. She’s terrified that these robbers are going to expose her darkest secrets.”

Kim’s text messages are damning, says the source. “She’s always badmouthin­g her mom and sisters. She says that none of them appreciate that she made them, and that they would be nothing without her,” says a friend, adding that Kim goes after former stepdad Caitlyn Jenner, 66, the worst. “Kim makes fun of her makeup and clothes. She was in fear that Caitlyn would show up to Paris Fashion Week.”

She’s even slammed her hubby, Kanye West. “Kim’s always saying how controllin­g Kanye is and that she can’t stand how he’s never there for the kids [North, 3, and Saint, 10 months],” says the friend. Worst of all, adds the source close to Kim, “She’s even discussed divorce proceeding­s and protecting her assets, back when they were going through a rough patch.”

Then there are her intimate photos and videos. “Kim’s panicking about the graphic photos and sex videos she has on her phone,” says the friend, adding that she even has close-up, unretouche­d images of her private parts. “The thought of people seeing these is mortifying to her. She also has taken so many videos of her and Kanye having sex.” Adds the insider, “Those videos could easily be released on the black market as another Kim sex tape.”

She and Kanye, 39, are in panic mode. “Their PR team is working around the clock trying to figure out how they can handle the horrendous fallout, should the robbers hack into the phones and leak informatio­n,” says the friend. “Kim is completely terrified people will see her for who she really is. She feels like this could finally be the end of her career.” ◼

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