In Touch (USA)

Bachelor Winner: ‘ I MADE A MISTAKE’

Bachelor once more? Nick Viall’s jaw-dropping behavior has his final pick realizing she’s engaged to Mr. Wrong


The moment changed everything. Sitting on her couch with a group of friends, the woman Bachelor Nick Viall chooses watched in horror as her new fiancé got a little too intimate with one of the other women vying for his heart this season. “The winner started to cry,” an insider tells In Touch exclusivel­y. “Not only was she hurt by what she was seeing, but she was so embarrasse­d by his behavior.”

It’s left her questionin­g everything. “Nick is always very sweet and loving toward the winner in private, but she’s starting to see how much of a playboy he is, thanks to the show,” says the insider, adding that the 36-year-old’s steamy make-out sessions with a number of the women in the Bachelor house have really put things in perspectiv­e. “She’s starting to think that maybe she made a huge mistake,” adds the insider. “She’s having second thoughts about spending the rest of her life with him.”

Sex- obsessed Nick has had no qualms about kissing almost every woman on the show this season. He even licked whipped cream off Corinne’s boob! “The winner had heard from the other girls in the house that Nick was trying to sleep with all of them, but she always brushed it off as them just being dramatic,” says the insider. “But after having watched these first few episodes, she’s starting to think the girls weren’t exaggerati­ng. Watching the show each week gets harder and harder for the winner because his behavior gets shadier and shadier.”

She’s tried to confront Nick. “The winner has told him that she’s upset, but then he turns on the charm,” says the insider. “He acts like a different person and talks about his feelings, and suddenly her doubts seem to go away — until the next week’s episode! Then she gets furious again and can’t believe he’s behaving the way he’s behaving.”

There’s a good chance Nick will walk away from this alone. “It’s so bad right now, the winner doesn’t even like to admit that Nick is her future husband,” says the insider, adding that her family has also expressed concern. “Their opinions are important to her. Hearing their negative feedback has been really hard. At this point, she isn’t sure she can move forward with marrying someone like Nick.” ◼

 ??  ?? Corinne Vanessa Danielle L. Rachel
Corinne Vanessa Danielle L. Rachel
 ??  ?? THE FRONTRUNNE­RS “Nick has gotten very cozy with Corinne, Danielle L., Vanessa and Rachel so far,” says an insider. The winner is not happy about that.
THE FRONTRUNNE­RS “Nick has gotten very cozy with Corinne, Danielle L., Vanessa and Rachel so far,” says an insider. The winner is not happy about that.

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