In Touch (USA)

I Won’t Let My Daughter Date the Type of Guys I Did!

The married former Hills star wants her kids to learn from her mistakes


When audiences first met Audrina Patridge on the MTV series The Hills, she was a naive 21-yearold finding her way in life and love. A decade later, she’s a blissfully happy wife and mom. In June, she welcomed daughter Kirra with Australian BMX athlete Corey Bohan, whom she married in November after eight on/ off years together. Audrina, now 31, cringes when she thinks about some of the dating choices she made during her reality TV days, but says she’ll use them to teach her daughter: “When she’s old enough, I can explain to her what not to do!” Here, Audrina talks to In Touch’s Amanda Champagne-Meadows about her new Prey Swim line, her love life regrets and her plans to get pregnant again…stat!

So you’ll let Kirra watch The Hills when she grows up? AP: One day I will. I’ll tell her, “This is what Mommy did. This is what you’re not going to do! Don’t date these kind of guys! They’ll make you cry!”

Are you referring to your infamous ex Justin Bobby [Brescia]? AP: I cried over Justin all the time! I look back and I’m like, “Why didn’t I see the red flags and bail?” But I probably couldn’t see because of all the tears!

You’re in a whole different place now. How’s motherhood? AP: I love being a mom! I don’t care about going out anymore. I just live for Kirra.

What’s she like? AP: She’s the happiest baby. She hasn’t had any problems sleeping or anything! I’m really lucky, but the second one will be the wild one. So you’re ready for baby No. 2? AP: Yeah, I don’t want to wait. I want to have three back-to-back and be done. It’s easier when you’re younger.

You look amazing for having given birth only seven months ago. Do you follow a special diet? AP: I eat a lot of health foods — lots of vegetables, chicken, fish. But I pig out on pizza once a week.

Tell us about your line of bikinis. AP: I wanted the quality and the cut to be amazing. And they’re twofor-one: They’re all reversible, so you can mix and match and make it your own.

How’s married life going? AP: It hasn’t changed too much! But [marriage] did solidify our relationsh­ip. Now we’re a real family! ◼

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