In Touch (USA)

Fed-u p Katie’s Revenge on Tom

Katie Holmes finally breaks her silence about ex Tom Cruise’s relationsh­ip with Suri


Katie Holmes opened up like she never has before. In an interview for Town & Country’s April issue, the normally guarded actress spoke out about her relationsh­ip with daughter Suri and how she makes the 10-year-old her top priority. “My child is the most important person to me, and her upbringing is paramount to my work,” said Katie, 38. “It’s very important that I’m present and she has a stable, innocent childhood.” Kids grow up fast, Katie mused, so “you have to do everything you can to give them what they need.”

Her comments drove home the point that she, not Suri’s dad, Tom Cruise, is performing the daily duties of raising their daughter. Tom, 54, hasn’t seen his

daughter in more than three years, and he hasn’t talked about her in interviews, either. “Suri hasn’t had a father figure” physically around during her very formative years, and Katie’s comments highlight that fact, says an insider. As part of their 2012 divorce agreement, “Katie can’t come right out and say negative things about Tom,” the insider says. She chose her words about taking care of Suri very carefully, but the logical question is, “Where’s Tom?”

Revenge has been a long time coming. Tom was last photograph­ed with Suri on Sept. 15, 2013, when she was just 7. “For the longest time, Katie felt he used his filming in distant locations as the reason he wasn’t more of a presence in Suri’s life,” notes the insider. Now Katie has let the world know that her career takes a backseat to her daughter’s needs. Tom has not answered In Touch’s repeated requests for comment about why he has not seen Suri for three years.

Scientolog­y may also be to blame for Tom’s disappeari­ng act. The moment Katie blindsided him with divorce papers, she became a “suppressiv­e person,” or enemy of the church, insiders tell In Touch. Since Suri is so closely connected to Katie, Tom hasn’t communicat­ed with her, either. It’s hard to understand, notes the insider, because “Suri used to be the light of his life.”

Katie knows things could be much worse. Had her daughter stayed in Scientolog­y, she could have been subjected to controvers­ial practices like interrogat­ions by ethics officers and forced manual labor. Katie herself was often trailed by a minder from the church. But the actress doesn’t live in fear of crossing the religion, or Tom, anymore. “Katie’s no longer afraid of retaliatio­n,” says the insider. Since their split, “she’s gained confidence and courage.”

She’ll need plenty of both. As In Touch previously reported, Tom holds so much weight in the church that he can do whatever he wants — and he wants to finally reunite with his daughter, some sources say. The February death of his beloved mother, Mary Lee South, 80, showed him “how important family is,” says a source, “and he made up his mind that he doesn’t want to lose out on any more time with Suri.”

Suri deserves a doting father. But Tom still hasn’t made a move. In the meantime, Suri has Katie to rely on every day. “Katie and Suri have learned to thrive and be happy on their own,” says the insider. “Katie’s turned into a proud and dedicated single parent.” ◼

 ??  ?? NO FEAR “Katie feels she can talk more openly now because she’s convinced Tom is no longer a threat in any way,” says an insider.
NO FEAR “Katie feels she can talk more openly now because she’s convinced Tom is no longer a threat in any way,” says an insider.
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 ??  ?? EXPOSED “Katie is dissing Tom with her new interview,” says the insider. “She feels her daughter has missed out by not having a father figure.”
EXPOSED “Katie is dissing Tom with her new interview,” says the insider. “She feels her daughter has missed out by not having a father figure.”

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