In Touch (USA)


Lawsuit Exposes Strange Secrets


Justin Theroux’s odd habits fuel a legal war — and tension with his wife, Jennifer Aniston

Barking dogs left alone for hours. Loud noises at 3 a.m. that sound “like someone repeatedly and deliberate­ly dropping heavy weights on the floor.” Rude, angry outbursts. An ex-girlfriend’s “discreet” removal from the premises, which “resulted in... having to deal with the girlfriend[’s] angry sister.” Those are some of the allegation­s that Justin Theroux’s neighbors make against the actor in court papers filed on Aug. 7 — in response to a harassment lawsuit he filed against them. The portrait of Justin painted by his neighbors is a strange one.

But it doesn’t end there. It also extends to his marriage to Jennifer Aniston. Despite the public guise of an even-keeled, loving relationsh­ip, “When the layers are peeled back and Jen and Justin’s bizarre life together is exposed, it’s far from an idyllic marriage,” a friend tells In Touch. And Justin’s legal battle with neighbors Norman and Barbara Resnicow over his longtime NYC home is just another example of how hard it is for him to let go of his old lifestyle and embrace a convention­al marriage. Adds the friend, “They’re about as opposite as a couple can be.”

For starters, they’re living separate lives. Justin, who was photograph­ed celebratin­g his 46th birthday with Mila Kunis

and Ashton Kutcher — and not his wife — in Budapest, Hungary, on Aug. 10, “pretty much prefers a long-distance marriage,” the friend says of the actor, who’s in Hungary making The Spy Who Dumped Me with Mila. “When he’s working out of town, he likes to live like a carefree bachelor, with infrequent communicat­ion with his wife, which galls her.” Adds a source, “It’s like he’s 25 going on 46.” He’s been like that their whole marriage. Ever since Jen, 48, and Justin bizarrely took a large group of friends along on their honeymoon to Bora Bora in August 2015, “They have spent more time apart than together because Justin has bounced from one long-distance project to the next,” the source tells In Touch, adding that even when he’s not working, “He’d sooner go on a road trip with a friend than a romantic getaway with Jen.”

They have almost nothing in common. Self-described “creature of habit” Jen loves having dinners at home with her Hollywood pals, while “Justin’s idea of a good time is doing a club and tattoo parlor crawl through NYC,” explains the friend. “He prefers his cluttered apartment in the city to Jen’s sprawling $21 million estate in Bel Air.” That may be because Jen has been so “creeped out,” says the friend, by Justin’s offbeat collection­s — like medical curios including an antique glass syringe, a large plastic ear, wax-museum pieces depicting Std-infected throats and a candy dish filled with human teeth — that she banned them from their LA home. “They weren’t going to be above the fireplace anytime soon,” Justin has admitted. His video game obsession is another point of contention. “She doesn’t understand it,” he’s said. The same goes for his constantly updated Instagram account: Social media “is such a drag,” she told Vogue in an Aug. 10 interview. “When I look around and see people constantly on their phones, I feel like we’re missing so much.”

And now this new lawsuit is shining a brighter light on their bizarre life. “Jen shies away from any kind of publicity unless she’s promoting a fi lm or a product, and she’s not happy that Justin now appears to be as much ‘the neighbor from hell’ as the Resnicows are in all this,” says the friend. “It’s all causing even more tension in their union.” ◼

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