In Touch (USA)


It’s been 1,458 days since Tom Cruise last spent time with his little girl in the wake of his divorce from Katie Holmes


Four birthday parties. Dance recitals. Holiday gatherings. A frantic search for her missing pet. A big move from NYC to California. These are just some of the milestones Tom Cruise has missed in daughter Suri’s life. “There is no sign of Tom,” a source tells In Touch. “The last picture of them together in 2013 is just that — the last picture of them.” For four years, Tom has chosen not to see his daughter.

Suri was 7 when the last photograph of them together was taken. On Sept. 15, 2013 — 1,458 days ago — she and Tom, 55, were snapped having fun at a mini-golf range in New York’s Adirondack Mountains. But now Suri’s an 11-year-old sixth-grader, and the only parent she’s ever with is her mom, Katie Holmes, who blindsided Tom with divorce papers five years ago. “Tom hasn’t seen his daughter in four years,” an insider tells In Touch. And despite repeated requests for comment by In Touch, Tom refuses to say why he stays away.

Four years ago, Tom claimed that they were close. Even while working, he kept in touch via phone, he explained in a 2013 lawsuit deposition. “I’ve gotten very good at it. I tell wonderful stories,” he said. But he hasn’t done that in years. “There’s no communicat­ion and they haven’t seen each other,” says the source. He hardly even utters her name. “Tom rarely talks about her,” says the insider, noting that reporters from other outlets don’t ask about her in interviews. And when an Australian journalist recently snuck in a question about the possibilit­y of Suri following in his acting footsteps, he quickly brushed past it by saying, ‘ You never know, you never know,’ before adding that he had been bitten by the acting bug at a young age. Adds the insider, “That’s as close as he’s gotten to talking about her publicly.”

They’ve all moved on. The devoted Scientolog­ist and workaholic also admitted in 2013 that his controvers­ial religion played a part in his split from Katie, 38. Suri, sources previously told In Touch, became collateral damage. “He doesn’t dwell on the past,” says the insider, adding that the Mission Impossible: 6 star is single-mindedly focused on his career. Meanwhile, Katie’s romance with Jamie Foxx, 49, has been confirmed (see sidebar). While rumors swirled that Katie had kept the four-year relationsh­ip with Tom’s Collateral co-star a secret for so long because of a stipulatio­n in their divorce agreement, a Katie and Jamie insider says Suri was her motivation. “Katie is just super-cautious about dating anyone publicly because her daughter comes first in all matters,” says the Katie and Jamie insider, adding that luckily, “Jamie’s a great guy and an amazing father to his own two girls.”

It’s unclear whether Tom will ever have a relationsh­ip with his daughter again. “Someday down the line, he might reconnect with Suri,” says the insider. But right now, “Tom is all about making movies, Scientolog­y and a small circle of friends.” ◼

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