In Touch (USA)

Nashville star Connie Britton tells In Touch why she doesn’t worry about aging

She just turned 51 — but the single mom focuses on gratitude, not numbers


In her newest TV role, Connie Britton plays a cool-as-a-cucumber emergency call center operator on 9-1-1, her third Ryan Murphy drama. But off the set, the beloved Friday Night Lights and Nashville alum struggles to stay zen just like everyone else. “I actually try to live a life with as little stress as possible, which is not easy to do, and I feel like I don’t do very well,” she tells In Touch. One thing the 51-year-old certainly doesn’t stress about is getting older. “Yeah, not even. It kind of doesn’t make a lot of sense to me,” she says of fretting over the inevitable. Connie talked to In Touch’s Lanae Brody at Fox’s Winter TCA event about her intense new series, life with son Yoby, 7, and making time for herself.

You look absolutely amazing. What’s your secret? CB: Thank you! ( Laughs) Literally no secret, except I appreciate you saying that.

How do you feel at 51? CB: I feel a lot of gratitude for the life that I have been given, and I never take that for granted. I feel that every day, and I think that helps a lot.

Are you concerned about aging? CB: I don’t worry about it too much. Every once in a while I’m like, “Oh God! This is what they talk about!” But I try not to let my head go in that direction.

What do you do to stay in shape? CB: I meditate and try to have that sensibilit­y about my life. I think that helps because workout-wise, as a single mom, that’s one of the first things to go. But my son keeps me young and happy. I just want to spend as much time with [ him] as I can because he’s at a yummy age.

What do you guys like to do together? CB: We travel a lot! My son loves a road trip. If we can go off and do a road trip, we’re both happy.

Do you want to adopt again? CB: Ummm.... Clearly, I’m always open to anything that happens, but right now I’m just enjoying what I have.

What do you like to do during your downtime? CB: Sleep! I try to just be still or be with friends. I love spending time with friends and having good meals, but really, I don’t get much of that.

Do you ever get time to date? CB: I do! I get some, but that’s about making space in your life for it, really.

You’ve played some beloved characters. Which role do you most often get recognized for? CB: There was a time when it was Tami Taylor [from Friday Night Lights], but now people have been finding Nashville. I get American Horror Story, as well. It’s very rewarding as an actor, and I’m just always really grateful. Every role and every job is a gift. ◼

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