In Touch (USA)

Find out which ‘Nsync alum wants a brood big enough to start his own boy band!

The ’Nsync alum and his husband are working on starting a (very big!) family



Lance Bass and his husband of nearly four years, actor Michael Turchin, are still working on baby No. 1 — but they’re already excited about numbers four and five! “We’ve always said we’d have three kids,” says the musiciantu­rned-tv personalit­y, “but I have a strong feeling we’re going to be open to more than that.” Lance and Michael, 31, are doing IVF using a surrogate and an egg donor and say they also hope to adopt down the road. “We’re starting with our [ biological] kids because I’m not getting any younger, but then we definitely want to adopt,” says the 39-yearold. Here, the former boy bander — who has teamed up with the ONEPULSE Foundation to help victims of the tragic 2016 Florida nightclub shooting — talks to In Touch’s Diana Cooper about getting ready for babies, his cookbook plans and why he won’t be do

ing an ’Nsync reunion tour.

How’s your IVF journey going? LB: It’s been a beautiful experience. It’s such a miracle that we have a surrogate who will do this for us. We’re still narrowing down an egg donor, but there’s been so much love around the whole process.

What are you looking forward to the most when it comes to parenthood? LB: I’m excited to raise smart, kind people because the world needs more of those. How will you feel if your kids decide they want to go into show business? LB: I would much rather they not go into entertainm­ent, but I will let them do whatever they love.

You’re a big foodie. Would you ever write a cookbook? LB: Yes, eventually. I’ve always wanted to do one with my mother, which I think would be really cute because it’s unexpected that a Southern mom and her gay son would do a cookbook together.

So can we expect it to be filled with family recipes? LB: Yes. And it would also center around the holidays. I’m a huge holiday geek — I celebrate Cupcake Day!

Any hope of an ’Nsync reunion? LB: We just released a clothing line together, which was really fun. And we talk daily in our group chat. But a tour or something like that? I think that ship has sailed. We ended on a high note, and we’re all on different paths.

What do you talk about in your group chat? LB: Silly things. We revert to being 12-yearolds. Joey [Fatone] will send a meme of us back in the day wearing horrible clothes.

Justin [Timberlake] has a 3-year-old son. Do you hope your kids are friends? DL: Of course! I can’t wait for our kids to know each other. Michael and I are the last of our friends to have children, which I like because they already know the best diapers, the best schools — plus we’ll get so many great hand-me-downs! ◼

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