In Touch (USA)

BABY JOY For Kate!



Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently lamented that they’ve had a difficult year, but it hasn’t exactly been easy for Harry’s brother and his wife, Kate Middleton, either. Prince William was caught up in a cheating scandal involving Kate’s now-former best friend, Rose Hanbury. He and Kate have been under intense scrutiny for their ocky relationsh­ip with Harry and Meghan. And on top of evrything else, a royals source tells In Touch, William was blindsided when Harry confirmed their rift o the world in the recent documentar­y Harry & Meghan: An African Journey. “It’s been one hing after another for William and Kate,” says the source. “They ould use some good news.” Well, they just got it. A palace nsider tells In Touch that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge recently learned they’re having

another baby. Though delighted and grateful that they have three happy, healthy kids — Prince George, 6, Princess Charlotte, 4, and Prince Louis, 18 months — William and Kate, both 37, have always quietly hoped they might be lucky enough to have one more, especially now that their marriage is back on track, says the insider: “William and Kate are thrilled! They’ve always wanted a big family, but they weren’t sure it’d happen again. They’d been trying but Kate just wasn’t getting pregnant. So this was a total surprise.”


Kate struggled with hyperemesi­s gravidarum — severe morning sickness that can require hospitaliz­ation — with all three of her previous pregnancie­s. “But so far this one has been a breeze,” says the insider, noting that Kate is three months along. “Aside from a little tiredness, she’s feeling great. She’s really enjoying it this time around.”

That’s come as a huge relief to William, as has his brother’s reaction. “William’s already told Harry, and he is thrilled,” says the insider, explaining that ever since Harry, 35, became a dad in May when Meghan, 38, gave birth to son Archie, he’s developed a newfound respect for other parents, including his big brother. The iciness between them continues to thaw, and Harry genuinely believes a baby can help him and his brother build a bridge back to each other. “William felt lost without Harry, but now they’re focusing on healing the rift,” adds the insider. “They can’t wait for all the cousins to get to know each other properly.”

Meghan didn’t seem as excited when she heard the news, however. “She sort of snapped, ‘Good for her,’” says the insider. Meghan and Harry recently explained they will have two children “maximum” because of their strong belief in helping save the environmen­t — which many took as a dig toward Kate and William. “Meghan will never admit it,” says the insider,

“but she judges Kate. And Kate picks up on it. That’s one of the reasons their relationsh­ip is so strained.” Still, Kate is trying to be optimistic. “She hopes Meghan will finally lighten up and they’ll bond over the pregnancy,” adds the insider, “since the baby will be so close in age to Archie.”


As for whether William and Kate are having a boy or a girl, they’re not saying. “Kate of course would love to have two boys and two girls, but as long as the baby is healthy, that’s all that matters,” says the insider. “To my knowledge they haven’t found out the sex of the baby yet, but they will.” George and Charlotte have some thoughts about how they want this to go, adds the insider: “George said he wants another brother and will send it back if it’s another sister! William and Kate told him it doesn’t work that way. And Charlotte hopes it’s a girl so that she can put her in pretty dresses. She’s begging Kate to call the baby ‘Ariel’ after her favorite Disney character, which Kate finds hilarious.”

William and Kate told the queen the good news in person. “They arranged to meet her for afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace, but with all the recent drama surroundin­g the family, Her Majesty assumed they were bringing her bad news,” says the insider. “You can just imagine her delight when she heard what they had to say.”

Next comes the fun part. After the palace announces the news publicly in the coming weeks, the Cambridges “will redecorate Louis’ nursery and move him into one of the bedrooms down the hall,” says the insider, noting that their London home, the 20room Apartment 1A at Kensington Palace, has plenty of space for their growing family. “Initially, Kate was nervous about how they’d cope and suggested hiring an extra nanny, but William was quick to put her mind at ease. He’s promised to be more hands-on and is being such a supportive husband. This baby has brought them closer than ever.” ◼


“Kate has been glowing lately,” says a royals source. “She and William are calling it a happy surprise.”
A SPECIAL TIME “Kate has been glowing lately,” says a royals source. “She and William are calling it a happy surprise.”
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