In Touch (USA)


The personal trainer is returning to the series that made him famous — but a lot has changed


Biggest Loser host Bob Harper talks to In Touch about life after his heart attack and the show’s new focus on health

During its 17-season run, the hit weight-loss competitio­n series The Biggest Loser caught some major flak over how far it went in encouragin­g contestant­s to shed pounds. In 2014, winner Rachel Fredericks­on shocked both fans and the show’s trainers when she revealed her skeletal frame during the finale, while many contestant­s have spoken about gaining weight back after the show. And in 2016, it was reported NBC was investigat­ing claims contestant­s were given weight-loss drugs, though the network said it doesn’t comment on legal matters. So when trainer Bob Harper was approached to do a reboot of the once-successful series — this time as a host — he wanted to be sure some format changes had been made. “There is more focus on aftercare and wellness,” says Bob, 54, who survived a life-threatenin­g heart attack in February 2017. “It’s really different; we’re able to give contestant­s more support.” The reboot is scheduled to return this month on the USA Network. Here, the Nashville native talks to In Touch’s Diana Cooper about his Survivors Have Heart tour, his new outlook on life and the celebrity crush that left him totally starstruck.

Tell us more about the changes we’ll see on the new Biggest Loser.


We have two new trainers and a new medical team and doctors, and we’re in a new location in Santa Fe, N.M.

How will it be more supportive of the contestant­s?


We’re giving them a gym membership for the year and a nutritioni­st. I thought, “OK, this is going to be new and different.”

You had your heart attack nearly three years ago. How are you feeling today? BH:

I feel great, stronger every day both mentally and physically.

And how is your life different now? BH:

I’ve become an advocate for Survivors Have Heart. I go around the country meeting other heart attack survivors. At first, you just want your life to go back to the way it was. Then you realize it’s not going to, and you have to find a new normal.

Have you altered your fitness routine at all?


It’s still as extreme as it used to be, but in a different way. I do hot yoga now. My workouts used to be super highintens­ity, and I was pushing myself to these crazy limits. I’ve found a balance.

And your diet? BH:

I don’t eat as much red meat. My diet is more plant-based and lower in fat. Balancing macronutri­ents really works for me.

Who did you rely on most for support after the heart attack?


My friend and assistant, Nicole, has been there every step of the way, and my fiancé, Anton [Gutierrez]. Early on, I was afraid to be alone because I was scared I’d have another attack. They never left my side.

And what about your beloved dogs? BH:

[Laughs] Karl, as in Karl Lagerfeld, and Vivienne, as in Vivienne Westwood, bring me the most joy!

Are you and Anton planning a wedding? BH:

I am definitely planning an event. I have zero desire to be walking down an aisle or anything like that. I want something different and fun.

What’s the biggest life lesson you’ve learned in the past few years? BH:

Not to stress over big or small things. Do the best you can by eating right and exercising, and surround yourself with the people you want to and just enjoy your life. It’s so short! ◼

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