In Touch (USA)


- - Maya N., Sweden

Maya was shocked by the change in her hair. Fullness and volume were replaced by thin and lifeless hair. She had to do something. “The hair I found in my brush, in the shower, and on my clothes was unfamiliar to me. It was shedding like never before. How could this be happening? I HAD TO DO SOMETHING I found out my mother experience­d the same problems when she was younger. But since so much of my “personalit­y is in my hair”, I didn’t want to have the same issues. I read about the importance of hair nutrients and immediatel­y went looking for a good supplement. MY HAIR NOW FEELS FULLER The pharmacist pointed out a dietary supplement from Sweden called Hair VolumeTM, which customers were raving about. It contained a patented apple extract and biotin. I’ve now used this supplement for two months and I am really satisfied. My hair feels full and healthy and even my nails feel so much stronger.

The best part is that the excessive shedding has stopped. This is proof to me that proper nutrition on the inside can help you look your best on the outside. I highly recommend Hair Volume to any woman who suffers with lifeless hair and wants to have full, healthy and beautiful hair.” **

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