In Touch (USA)

KATE BANS MEGHAN From the Palace Balcony!

Meghan Markle finally agrees to return to the U.K. for the queen’s jubilee, but Kate Middleton makes sure she doesn’t get a royal welcome


The United Kingdom is going all-out to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th anniversar­y on the throne. There will be a rock concert for 22,000 fans in front of Buckingham Palace, a horse race, 60,000 street parties across the nation and a huge parade. And Prince Harry, 37, and Meghan Markle, 40, wouldn’t miss it for the world. “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are excited and honoured to attend The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebratio­ns this June with their children,” their spokespers­on confirmed on May 6, ending months of speculatio­n about whether the California-based pair would attend.

But they won’t have the best seats. When the royal family gathers on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to watch the traditiona­l Trooping the Colour parade on June 2, Harry and Meghan won’t be among them. “They’re not invited,” says a source, noting that only working royals will be allowed (which convenient­ly leaves out scandal-plagued Prince Andrew as well). And Meghan’s archrival, Kate Middleton, prompted the decision. “It will be Meghan’s first time back in two years, and Kate isn’t looking forward to seeing her after all the nasty things Meghan has publicly said about the family,” says the source. “Kate certainly didn’t want to be up there smiling and waving with her.”


Meghan didn’t take the news well. “She was devastated and suspected Kate had a hand in stopping her and Harry from taking what she believes to be their rightful place beside the rest of the family,” says the source. Kate’s official reply when she’s asked about the balcony shake-up, according to the source: She wants the queen to be the center of attention. “She didn’t want the jubilee to turn into The

Harry & Meghan Show. She wouldn’t put it past Meghan to have a camera crew following her around for publicity, what with their Netflix deal” (see right).


But with all the activities planned, the two women will have no choice but to interact at some point. “Kate knows it’s going to be awkward,” says the source. “There’s no question Kate will be civil in public — duty over emotions is her motto. But the less she has to see of Meghan, the better.”

Kate does plan to have a private conversati­on with Meghan at some point. “Kate will bite the bullet and do it,” says the source. “Kate wants to have a word with Meghan alone to clear the air. But knowing the bad blood between them — and how Meghan is a master at pushing Kate’s buttons — the meeting could very well end in disaster.” ◼

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