Inc. (USA)

The Producer: Jacob Pechenik

After a Hollywood divorce, the entreprene­ur stabilized his company and renewed his business vows with Zooey Deschanel.


Inspiratio­n struck at home for Jacob Pechenik. In 2015, the former film producer was expecting his first child with his then wife, the actress and musician Zooey Deschanel. They were focused on her diet—after all, what she ate their unborn baby ate.

Pechenik and Deschanel were convinced that families could benefit from growing fresh veggies at home—even families living in tiny urban apartments. The couple’s eventual idea, Lettuce Grow, would launch four years later with plastic towers featuring three to six vertical levels that can each hold pods for seedlings, including ironman kale, purple snow peas, dill, and edible violets.

Pechenik’s entreprene­urial approach to home gardening was complement­ed, of course, by Deschanel’s star power and social media presence that gave her access to seven million Instagram followers.

But while the L.A.-based company’s self-watering, self-fertilizin­g farmstands, priced from $474 to $699, were taking off—landing it at No. 183 on the 2022 Inc. 5000—it wasn’t without difficulty on the home front. Within months of Lettuce Grow’s debut, the couple separated.

Pechenik often uses the word “amicable” to describe the obviously challengin­g process of navigating their divorce, finalized in 2020, and custody of their two kids. Still, he was concerned about the potential loss of another of Deschanel’s strengths: her ability to lift spirits inside the company. Employees had been thrilled whenever she’d attended meetings or retreats, as much for her personalit­y as for her fame.

“Zooey had done a lot of work in terms of getting people excited,” Pechenik says. “I was a little worried they’d be scared, wondering what this meant for the company and me. Would I be heartbroke­n?”

Pechenik now oversees day-to-day operations, but Deschanel maintains significan­t equity as one of three co-founders and continues to publicize Lettuce Grow’s social mission, encouragin­g kids and families to grow and eat fresh, organic, nutrient-rich veggies. “I mainly enjoy telling people about Lettuce Grow because I’m proud of the company,” says the Emmynomina­ted star of the TV sitcom New Girl and the breakout indie feature film 500 Days of Summer. “I think my enthusiasm becomes infectious because it’s genuine.”

That said, Pechenik sometimes declined asking Deschanel to handle marketing and media. Press opportunit­ies would hinge on her busy schedule and, at times, proved frustratin­g. A popular podcast or talk show would invite Deschanel to chat about Let

tuce Grow, only to quickly change the subject to Hollywood gossip.

“There was a time when I was asking less of her,” says Pechenik. “Part of it was because of our ex-wife, ex-husband relationsh­ip and the kids. I didn’t want to strain the relationsh­ip.”

“And,” he adds, “part of it was that the business was taking off without needing to lean on her.”

Pechenik is happy to report that he and his ex are now getting along just fine. He’s even taken several family trips with Deschanel, their kids, and her fiancé, Property Brothers star Jonathan Scott—who also talks up Lettuce Grow. The former couple continues to collaborat­e smoothly on the company as well. “We just did a holiday shoot,” says Pechenik. “Our relationsh­ip is a 10 out of 10.”

I mainly enjoy telling people about Lettuce Grow because I’m proud of the company. I think my enthusiasm becomes infectious because it’s genuine.”

Zooey Deschanel

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH­Y BY JOHNNY TALAY ?? Jacob Pechenik (left) gives his ex, Zooey Deschanel, a lot of credit for building up Lettuce Grow, and her green thumb extends to their company’s culture, too.
PHOTOGRAPH­Y BY JOHNNY TALAY Jacob Pechenik (left) gives his ex, Zooey Deschanel, a lot of credit for building up Lettuce Grow, and her green thumb extends to their company’s culture, too.
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Stacey Abrams (left) helps her Now co-founder, Lara Hodgson, take a more measured approach to product launches.
Stacey Abrams (left) helps her Now co-founder, Lara Hodgson, take a more measured approach to product launches.

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