Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

An unexpected standout amid Getty’s floral frenzy

- Joshua Sisikin Columnist Please send questions, comments, and photos to joshua@perfectpla­nts. com. For more informatio­n about area plants and gardens, go to Joshua Siskin's website, thesmarter­

The Getty Center horticultu­rists deserve high praise for creating a gardener’s garden instead of a landscape. Landscapes are characteri­zed by a few plant species where design considerat­ions are often based on economics. Low-maintenanc­e perennials are selected and left to grow without having to fuss too much over their care.

Truth be told, an imposing low-maintenanc­e garden is installed at the Getty that consists entirely of cactuses and succulents. It’s quite a sight to see but of interest primarily for the sculptural qualities and contrasts in size, shape and color of the featured specimens, rather than for the horticultu­ral inspiratio­n they provide.

The Getty’s central garden, on the other hand, is a cornucopia of visual delights that will captivate the veteran plant person no less than the neophyte gardener. Yet a lesson to be learned from the expansive, circular planters that surround a serpentini­ng azalea maze is that one type of plant — in this case, the dahlia — can provide a reassuring sense of constancy despite a wide diversity of species on display. While perambulat­ing the circular planters, repetitive encounters with giant dahlias — whether in red, yellow, purple or pink — create a sense of stability and order in the midst of a wild, out-of-this-world floral frenzy.

Dahlias are among the most pleasing summer flowers. Dwarf to giant types are available. Dahlias grow from tubers that, to last more than a year, must be lifted in the fall and covered with sand, sawdust peat moss or perlite. Store them in shoeboxes or paper bags in a cool, dry place such as a garage during winter before planting them again the following spring. If you want a real garden show stopper, consider planting a tree dahlia.

Tree dahlias grow up to 20 feet tall. They may die back to their roots in the winter (if not, cut them down to 6 inches) but do not have to be lifted like their smaller cousins and will regrow the following spring. You can order a bell tree dahlia (Dahlia imperialis) with lavenderpi­nk, 6-inch-wide blooms from anniesannu­

Speaking of giants, I recently learned that a Lady Banks rose in Tombstone, Arizona, may be the largest arboreal rose in the world. Planted from a cutting in 1885, it sports thousands of blossoms each spring during its six-week bloom period. Lady Banks roses are widely available in white or yellow. If you are looking for a botanical heirloom to bequeath to your descendant­s, this just might be it.

I saw two vines at the Getty Center garden that are unique among their genre of plants. One is purple wings, or butterfly vine (Dalechampi­a aristoloch­iifolia). Its most notable feature is shared with the poinsettia, a fellow member of the Euphorbia family. Large purple bracts, as big as its leaves, are equivalent to the red or pink bracts that provide poinsettia­s with their color. Unlike poinsettia, however, the butterfly vine displays its bracts throughout the year, albeit more abundantly during summer and fall. It can handle soil on the dry side, but to keep the bracts coming, regular watering is recommende­d. You can order purple wings from any nursery supplied by San Marcos Growers (

Firecracke­r vine (Mina lobata) is another distinctiv­e climbing specimen at the Getty Center garden. Neatly arranged tubular flowers glow in yellow, orange and red. Although an annual, firecracke­r vine clambers up to a height of 10 feet in a single growing season. Where soil is rich and fast-draining, it selfsows and you will enjoy a repeat floriferou­s vining experience year after year.

Sea holly (Eryngium planum) is an outstandin­g perennial in the Getty botanical collection. It has a unique look and it will grow anywhere in Southern California. Violet-blue protuberan­ces are surrounded by what look like thorns but are actually soft, if jagged, flower parts. Sea holly blooms can be preserved for months in cut flower arrangemen­ts, as their beauty persists beyond the garden walls. Sea holly is cold-hardy, drought-tolerant and suitable for a dry garden or as a container subject. It is a relative of dill, fennel and cilantro and attracts beneficial insects, such as bees and hoverflies, as they do. On top of that, butterflie­s flock to it but deer stay away.

Throatwort (Trachelium caeruleum) is a star performer in the Getty garden. It comes from southweste­rn Europe and thus has the Mediterran­ean qualities that allow it to flourish in Southern California, as Mediterran­ean plants generally do. Its genus name is derived from trachelos, the Greek word for neck, due to its efficacy in curing sore throats.

The flowers of throatwort are produced in delicate sprays for months on end. This is a plant for close-up viewing, since its flowers are not at all shrill; their beauty is whispered rather than shouted out loud.

The eminently gardenwort­hy and lightly fragrant throatwort has, for some inexplicab­le reason, been all but absent from the nursery trade. It certainly deserves wider recognitio­n and use, owing to its lace-cap clusters of lavender florets and long bloom period. It grows no more than a compact 3 feet in height, is coldhardy and, cut back in winter, will reliably return in the spring. Throatwort also is a favorite cut flower selection; its colors include many shades of blue as well as purple, pink, red and white. Finally, it grows well in containers.

If you want to bring a curious but heavily blooming creature into your garden, consider bat-faced cuphea (Cuphea llaeva), a large planting of which is highly visible in the Getty garden. Bat-faced cuphea has flowers that bear an extraordin­ary resemblanc­e, colors notwithsta­nding — ears are red and heads are purple — to the eponymous flying mammals.

You may think of lily of the Nile (agapanthus species) as having blue or white flowers. But the Twister variety, in full bloom now at the Getty, has violetblue bases that transition into white trumpets. It is a pleasant shock to the system after being accustomed to solid color agapanthus blooms all these years.

The one landscapin­g touch — and it’s a good one — at the Getty Center garden is a row of crape myrtle trees underplant­ed with variegated society garlic, whose creamy, pinkish-mauve flower color approximat­es that seen on the crape myrtles. The society garlic is growing right up to the trunks of the crape myrtles without any sign of discomfort on the part of the trees.

There is nothing like an Icee-Blue yellow-wood (Podocarpus elongatus “Monmal”) to cool you off on a hot afternoon. I saw a cluster of them at Beverly Hills Park on Santa Monica Boulevard last week. This blue-leafed podocarpus is much tamer than the greenleafe­d species typically seen and reaches a height of only 15-25 feet with a columnar growth habit.

Suggestion to the Getty: Have one of your horticultu­rists on hand once a month for an open house where gardeners can inquire about the plants on display in order to learn their names, their cultural requiremen­ts and where they can be acquired.

The Getty Center is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily except Mondays. Tickets to the museum and garden are free but must be ordered in advance. Parking is $20.

 ?? PHOTOS BY JOSHUA SISKIN ?? Firecracke­r vine mina lobata
PHOTOS BY JOSHUA SISKIN Firecracke­r vine mina lobata
 ??  ?? Icee Blue Podocarpus
Icee Blue Podocarpus
 ??  ?? Twister Agapanthus
Twister Agapanthus
 ??  ?? Sea Holly Eryngium planum
Sea Holly Eryngium planum
 ??  ?? Throatwort Trachelium caeruleum
Throatwort Trachelium caeruleum
 ??  ??

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