Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Sounding off on inflation

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email

DEAR HELOISE » I’ll keep this as brief as possible. I have to go shopping for groceries about once a week. Prices keep rising, so I have to be very careful to shop for lower priced items. I’ve noticed that my local store is now carrying different brands than it used to, and many are much higher in price.

I know there have been shipping problems, and getting certain materials has been hard, but even products normally made in America have become hard to get. I’ve had to switch brands of pet food, laundry soap, household cleaners and various food items. My grocery budget increased by almost $100 a month, which on a fixed income affects not only me but many other retired people. For many people, this just feels like price gouging, especially when we’re paying $4.99 or more at the gas pump! When will it end?

— Harriet S., Biloxi,


DEAR HARRIET » Believe me, we’d all like to know when it will end. I know things are difficult right now, but we’ll all have to tighten our belts, make do or do without. It’s not the first time in our history that we’ve been in this position. Personally, I look upon this time as a challenge to my creative abilities. Instead of buying flowers at a nursery, I plant seeds (I start them in egg cartons). I have a vegetable garden, too. I can go to the library instead of buying books or buy them at garage sales. I buy cheaper cuts of meat, or we go meatless a couple of nights a week. If it’s not on sale or in a garage sale, I usually don’t buy it.

Readers, I’d love to hear how you economize during this time of inflation!

DEAR READERS » When you have 5 to 10 minutes of time before you leave the house, pick one or two of these tasks:

• Declutter the coffee table.

• Put the CDs back in the proper cases.

• That pile of shoes in the bedroom or by the door? Put them away.

• Wipe down kitchen or bathroom counter.

• Make sure there’s clean water in your pet’s water bowl.

DEAR HELOISE » Recently, a cable network contacted me to let me know that my personal informatio­n had been breached. They would have to cut off my service to that provider if I didn’t reinstall the required informatio­n, such as my name, address, banking info and more. Everything looked as if it was profession­ally done, but I looked at the email address and knew immediatel­y it was a scam.

Apparently, several scammers have been using this type of trick to get our banking informatio­n. It’s people impersonat­ing online payment services, cable providers, even banks. The public needs to be extra vigilant about who gets their informatio­n. If it’s an email, check the sender’s email address. If it’s a letter in the mail, call the company and check with them, but look the number up. Never use a phone number that the scammer provides.

— Cliffton D., Lansing,


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