Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Dismissal of career isn’t funny

- Dear Abby Columnist Contact Dear Abby at

DEAR ABBY » I graduated from college with a degree in a niche field. In my graduating class of nearly 7,000, there were only four of us with this specific degree. I now have a career in the field I majored in. I love what I do and take pride in it. The problem is my family. For whatever reason, my parents and siblings don’t seem to want to remember what I do. When people back home ask what I’m up to, they come up with vague or dismissive answers.

When they tell me about it later, they seem to think it’s funny. The first few times I could laugh about it too, but this has been going on for years. Their one-sided running gag has grown old. I don’t care that they’re not interested in what I do, but I feel humiliated and hurt when they act so dismissive of it to other people. It happened again a few days ago, while I was out with my family at an event. A family member intentiona­lly messed up the name of my workplace multiple times (even after I had corrected him) while talking to a volunteer. Although I managed to step in, it’s still weighing on me. I have tried explaining what I do numerous times. It’s not confusing. I have even suggested they use broader alternativ­es (if they would say I’m an ecologist, I would be thrilled). Should I tell them this has crossed the line from funny to hurtful? Or am I blowing this out of proportion?

— Hurt in the West

DEAR HURT » You may be putting more energy into this than it deserves. Your relative(s) may be jealous of your accomplish­ments or so intellectu­ally limited that they can’t remember the word “ecologist.” If you are present when this happens, feel free to correct the mistake as you did, but do it with humor.

DEAR ABBY » Please share some thoughts about answering the phone on speaker. My lifelong friend does this. Sometimes I’m aware her husband is in the room. Recently, though, we were on speaker phone when she told me she was going to the beauty salon. When the call connected to her vehicle, I assumed she was by herself. We continued our VERY personal conversati­on (I was doing the talking) until she got to her destinatio­n. That’s when she told me THEY had arrived! I didn’t realize anyone else was in the car. Am I wrong to be upset that she allowed me to do all the talking while her husband listened in without my knowledge? She could have easily switched from a speaker to a private call, considerin­g the nature of the discussion.

— Mad In Missouri

DEAR MAD » You’re not wrong to be upset. Tell her this made you feel invaded and, if you plan to continue your relationsh­ip with her, set some ground rules for future phone conversati­ons.

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