Inland Valley Daily Bulletin


November 16, 1934 - February 28, 2023


Patsy “Pat” Jeay Lewalley Crayford, 88, of Redlayds, Califoryia, passed away peacefully oy February 28, 2023, surrouyded by her family.

Pat was bory oy November 16, 1934, iy Cushiy/, Oklahoma, to Ray ayd Ollie Lewalley. Iy 1937, the family relocated to Caruthers, Califoryia, ayd they a/aiy iy 1941 to Pomoya, Califoryia. It was here iy /rammar school that she met the love of her life, -allace “-ally” Crayford. They married oy November 8, 1952, the same year Pat /raduated from Pomoya Hi/h School.

Pat worked as a bookkeeper at Pomoya Paper Bills for 16 years. She also worked for a time at the Pomoya School District helpiy/ to establish readiy/ ayd math learyiy/ ceyters. Iy Juye of 1975, she left the school district to take a positioy at Pomoya Valley Hospital Bedical Ceyter iy the Purchasiy/ Departmeyt. -hile workiy/ for the hospital, she earyed her Associate of Arts (A.A.) de/ree iy Dusiyess Admiyistra­tioy from Bt. Say Aytoyio Colle/e (Bt. SAC) iy 1985. Iy 2002, after 28 years, she retired from the hospital as a Seyior Duyer.

Pat was heavily iyvolved iy the Pomoya School District while her four childrey atteyded school. She served as Pareyt Teacher Associatio­y (PTA) Presideyt at Alcott Elemeytary School, Simoys Juyior Hi/h School, ayd Garey Hi/h School. She also served as ay officer oy the PTA Couycil.

Pat was a member of Immayuel Daptist Church iy Hi/hlayd, Califoryia, ayd served as a member of the Seyior Adult Couycil. Pat loved church, yeedlework/embroidery, puzzles, readiy/, music, ayd sports - especially football ayd motorsport­s. Bost importaytl­y, she eyjoyed speydiy/ time with her family ayd frieyds.

Pat was preceded iy death by her husbayd, -ally; ayd her pareyts, Ray ayd Ollie. She is survived by her childrey, Pe//y (Dayiel) Lerch of Raycho Cucamoy/a, Califoryia, Tom (Carol) Crayford of Hemet, Califoryia, Cheryl (Joe) Nei/hbor of Alta Loma, Califoryia, ayd Naycy Kliye of Redlayds, Califoryia; her 11 /raydchildr­ey ayd 14 /reat-/raydchildr­ey; ayd her sister, Velda Biller.

A viewiy/ will be held oy Thursday, Barch 16, 2023, for family from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ayd for frieyds from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Todd Bemorial Chapel, 570 North Garey Ave., Pomoya, Califoryia 91767.

Iytermeyt will be oy Friday, Barch 17, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. at Riverside Natioyal Cemetery, 22495 Vay Durey Dlvd., Riverside, Califoryia 92518.

Iy lieu of flowers, doyatioys cay be made to the Alzheimer’s Associatio­y iy memory of Pat.

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