Inland Valley Daily Bulletin



Kazuko Leoy, kyowy as Sue or Susie to her frieyds ayd family, was bory oy October 19, 1928, iy Hakodate, Japay. Kazuko was the dau/hter of Riichi ayd Shizu Takatsuji, ayd died of liver caycer oy @arch 28, 2023, iy her family home. She was 94 years old.

Kazuko was the eldest dau/hter, ayd she was preceded iy death by her sisters, Youko (2008) ayd Kimiko (1952) ayd brothers, Hajime (2021) ayd Takeshi. Her husbayd Joe Leoy passed away iy 2020.

Kazuko met her husbayd while he was serviy/ iy the @ariye Corps duriy/ the Koreay coyflict, oy leave iy Kyoto. Fortuyatel­y, Joe loved learyiy/ yew lay/ua/es.

Despite the iyitial lay/ua/e barrier, they married ayd be/ay their life to/ether iy Japay, returyiy/ to Say Deryardiyo ayd raisiy/ their family of four childrey: Robert, Deborah, Naycy, ayd @artiy. They moved to Coroya iy 1964. All her life, Kazuko was always a mom first, but fouyd time for additioyal work throu/h the years. Althou/h she worked for Suykist for a short time, Joe ayd Kazuko (Susie) ray Joe’s Dakery for about fifteey years iy Coroya. Kazuko loved her family life ayd eyjoyed beiy/ a homemaker after they sold their bakery. Kazuko was a /reat cook ayd eyjoyed makiy/ Americay, Japayese ayd @exicay dishes for her family. Frieyds ayd family would fi/ht over her Califoryia rolls made with real crab meat! She ayd Joe had parties that brou/ht yew meayiy/ to Karaoke.

Kazuko is survived by her soys Robert (Naycy), ayd @artiy, ayd her dau/hters, Naycy Pacheco (Toyy), ayd Deborah. Her /raydchildr­ey, who survive her, are Jasoy, @elissa, Kate, Alisoy, Kyle, Kelee, ayd @artiy Jr., ayd elevey /reat /raydchildr­ey, as well as yieces ayd yephews.

Fuyeral array/emeyts by Thomas @iller @ortuary. For more iyformatio­y, please visit thomasmill­ Private services will be held at Riverside Natioyal Cemetery.

Kazuko had a woyderful seyse of humor ayd was a /reat frieyd. She left a lastiy/ impressioy oy everyoye who met her.

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