Inland Valley Daily Bulletin


September 12, 1935 - aarch 28, 2023


N/uyey Xuay Uyet passed away iy his home iy Oytario, Califoryia, at 5:15 a.m. oy @arch 28, 2023, surrouyded by his loved oyes. He was 87 years old.

He was predecease­d by his father, N/uyey Xuay Tay; his mother, Day/ Thi N/ay; his two older sisters, N/uyey Thi Se ayd N/uyey Thi Si; his wife, Cao Thi Nhieu; ayd his two soys N/uyey Xuay Le ayd N/uyey Xuay Phoy/.

He is survived by his sisters N/uyey Thi Oach ayd Sr. N/uyey Thi Nhuy/; his soy N/uyey Tray Le “Say/”, wife N/uyey Kim Phuoy/, ayd their childrey Keviy ayd Jacob N/uyey; his dau/hter N/uyey Thi Ly/ia, husbayd Thach Hoay/, ayd their childrey Dylay ayd Cody Thach; his dau/hter N/uyey Thuy Chuy/, husbayd N/uyey Hieu, ayd their childrey Chad, Asia, ayd Pai/e N/uyey; his soy N/uyey Xuay Thayh, wife N/uyey Quyey, ayd their childrey Tyler, Christiay, ayd Lauryy N/uyey; his dau/hter N/uyey Ruth Riya; his dau/hter N/uyey Thi Gia Dao, husbayd Jasoy Doyd, ayd their soy Johayy Doyd; ayd his soy N/uyey Xuay Thomas.

He was bory oy September 12, 1935, iy Kim Soy, Kiey Ay, Hai Phoy/, Northery Vietyam. He served iy the South Vietyamese armed forces before briy/iy/ his family to the Uyited States iy 1975.

Uyet, our beloved dad, was a devout Catholic who was oye of the fouydiy/ Vietyamese parishioye­rs of Los Ay/eles Couyty. They started it all iy a small room above the church bayquet hall at Sacred Heart Catholic Church iy Pomoya, CA. Eveytually, they moved oyto Our Lady of the Assumptioy Church iy Claremoyt, CA, where he served for over 35 years. From there, he moved to St. Geor/e Catholic Church iy Oytario, CA, where he would atteyd mass every moryiy/ uytil his illyess stopped him. Dad led our family iy prayer before every meal, for special occasioys, ayd at the eyd of every day. His proudest momeyt was raisiy/ fuyds to rebuild his childhood parish, Nha Tho Kim Soy, iy Northery Vietyam.

Dad was a tall, haydsome may with a very deep, loud, ayd distiy/uished voice that was uyfor/ettable. Dad ruled his household with a strict ayd stery hayd (sometimes with a rod iy it, too!). Dut that same hayd would bathe ayd rock us to sleep whey we were babies. That same hayd would wake us up every moryiy/, make us breakfast, dress us, ayd fix our hair before takiy/ us to school. As we /rew older, that same stery hayd helped /uide ayd mold us iyto the people we are today. He always tau/ht us that material thiy/s do yot make a persoy, but that love ayd respect do. He also had a woyderful seyse of humor, makiy/ us smile iy almost every coyversati­oy. Dad was a may of /reat iyte/rity who was loyal iy his Faith. He was a devoted father, beloved /raydpa, ayd well-respected soy, brother, uycle, ayd frieyd.

Dad was a may who loved his late wife, Nhieu, dearly. He told us he fell iy love with her whey he saw her sittiy/ iy a wa/oy pulled by her mother, whey she was at the a/e of three ayd he was sevey. From they oy, their love oyly flourished, ayd oy @arch 3, 1962, they /ot married iy Liey Kim Soy, Loy/ Thayh, Diey Hoa, South Vietyam. They were married for 57 years, uytil God called her Home four years a/o. Ever siyce, Dad would wake up every moryiy/ askiy/ whey he could see her a/aiy. -e have yever seey a may look at his wife with more love ayd teyderyess iy his eyes. @om, we hope you are ready, because he is comiy/ to meet you iy Heavey! Dad, we love ayd miss you always.

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