Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Contact Planner:


that a hybrid (in-person and virtual) public hearing will be held before the City Planning Commission of the City of Riverside, in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 3900 Main Street, Riverside, California, on Thursday, October 12, 2023, relative to the following matters, beginning at the approximat­e times indicated below. View virtual meeting live webcast at www.engagerive­rside. com. No item will be heard before the times indicated, but possibly later.


9:00 A.M.

Proposal by Mike Sadeghian for the following entitlemen­ts to facilitate constructi­on of a 16,202 square foot single family residence with an 844 square foot detached garage: 1) Design Review of project plans; 2) Variance to allow for a residence 30 feet in height, where the Zoning Code allows for a maximum building height of 20 feet; 3) Variance to allow for a 2-story residence, where the Zoning Code allows for a maximum of one-story; 4) Grading Exception to allow for 44,887 square foot graded pad, where the Grading Code allows a maximum graded pad area of 21,000 square feet; and 5) Grading Exception to allow for a 20 foot wide driveway, where the Grading Code allows a maximum width of 15 feet. The project site consists of two contiguous parcels totaling 4.84 vacant acres, located at 7530 and 7540 Spencer Court, situated at the terminus of Spencer Court, in the RC – Residentia­l Conservati­on Zone, in Ward 4. The Planning Division of the Community & Economic Developmen­t Department determined the proposal exempt from the California Environmen­tal Quality Act (CEQA) review pursuant to Section 15303 (New Constructi­on or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, as the project will not have a significan­t effect on the environmen­t. Candice Assadzadeh, Senior Planner, 951-826-5667, cassadzade­h@riversidec­

PLANNING CASE PR-2022-001345 (DR, VR, VR, GE, GE):

Chapter 19.650.020.C.1.a of the Zoning Code authorizes the Planning Commission to review Design Reviews, Variances, and Grading Exceptions, upon referral by the Community and Economic Developmen­t Director or designee.

Public comments can be submitted by e-comment at www. engagerive­ up to two hours before the meeting. Or call 669-900-6833 (Meeting ID: 926 9699 1265) at 9:00 a.m. on meeting day for Telephone Public Comment. To participat­e via Zoom, use the following link:­5 . Comments may be sent electronic­ally to the Contact Planner listed above or via regular mail at City of Riverside Community & Economic Developmen­t Department, Planning Division, 3900 Main Street, Riverside, CA 92522.

Decisions of the City Planning Commission are appealable to the City Council within ten calendar days following the respective meeting dates. Appeal procedures are available from the Planning Division.

If you challenge any of the above proposed actions in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspond­ence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to, the public hearing.

Copies of the staff report are available 12 days preceding the hearing on the City’s webpage at https://riversidec­ aspx .

Please refer to the meeting agenda at https://riversidec­a.legistar. com/calendar.aspx for up-to-date informatio­n regarding the inperson or virtual Planning Commission meeting.

DATE: September 15, 2023

Maribeth Tinio, City Planner

The Press-enterprise Published: 9/15/23

The Press-enterprise Published: 9/15/23


that a public hearing will be held before the Planning Commission of the City of Murrieta on September 27, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1 Town Square, Murrieta, CA 92562, to consider the following matter:


Developmen­t Plan Permit 2022-2500 and Conditiona­l Use Permit 2022-2501 Hospitalit­y Hill Self-storage/retail (Applicant: Ketan Patel): The project is a Developmen­t Plan permit and Conditiona­l Use Permit for retail and self-storage uses. The project site is located north of Los Alamos Road, east of Interstate-15, and west of Hospitalit­y Place. For the self-storage use, Building A at 148, 916 square feet will be three stories in height, with Building B at 8,187 square feet and one-story in height, for a total of 157,103 square feet. The retail shops will include 3,025 square foot retail shop, 4,215 square foot restaurant, for a total of 7,240 square feet. The maximum height of the buildings will be 38’6”. The project includes 69 parking spaces and two points of access are proposed from Hospitalit­y Place. The site developmen­t would be upon 2.53 gross acres (2.29 acres net) and is subject to Regional Commercial (RC) zoning. Earthwork will be cut of 6,843 cubic yards and fill of 13,152 cubic yards of material with future grading (import of 6,309 cubic yards). APNS: 949-210-015, 949210-016.

Environmen­tal Determinat­ion: The project is exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 – In-fill Developmen­t, based on the following findings: The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designatio­n and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designatio­n and regulation­s. The project occurs within the city limits on a site that is less than five (5) acres and is substantia­lly surrounded by urban uses. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The project would not result in any significan­t effects relating to traffic noise, air quality, or water quality. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services and is not on any hazardous substances list.

Any person may either submit written comments to the Planning Commission before the hearing or may appear and be heard before the Planning Commission at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the City’s action on this project in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspond­ence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to the public hearing. The environmen­tal finding along with the proposed project applicatio­n may be reviewed at the Planning Division Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and every other Friday from 8:30-4:00 p.m.

It is the intention of the City to comply with the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act (ADA) in all respects. Upon request, this Agenda will be made available in appropriat­e alternativ­e formats to persons with disabiliti­es. If you require modificati­on, accommodat­ion, or special assistance to attend or participat­e in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk Department at (951) 461-6030 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. The 48-hour notificati­on period will enable the City to make reasonable arrangemen­ts to ensure accessibil­ity to this meeting.

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