Inland Valley Daily Bulletin



that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Moreno Valley on the date and time set forth below:


Project: Applicant: Property Owner: APN:





Planner: Contact:

Tentative Parcel Map No. 38667 (PEN23-0031)

Stantec, Brianna Daniels



The project site includes the area generally east of Redlands Boulevard, south of the SR-60 Freeway, west of Gilman Springs Road, and north of San Jacinto Wildlife Area.

The Applicant is proposing Tentative Parcel Map No. 38667 for the subdivisio­n of 887.3 acres into 14 numbered parcels.


Council District: Environmen­tal Determinat­ion:

Environmen­tal clearance and analysis for the proposed applicatio­n is provided by the Final Environmen­tal Impact Report (FEIR), for the World Logistics Center. The FEIR was approved by the City Council in June 2020 (State Clearingho­use No. 2012202104­5). In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, the Project does not present a substantia­l change or new informatio­n that would require further CEQA analysis. The environmen­tal impacts associated with developmen­t of the Project were contemplat­ed by the certified Final Environmen­tal Impact Report, (the “FEIR”) for the World Logistics Center and were fully analyzed and mitigated therein. No new CEQA documentat­ion is necessary for the Project.

All interested parties will be provided an opportunit­y to submit oral testimony during the public hearing and/or provide written testimony during or prior to or at the public hearing. The applicatio­n file and related environmen­tal documents may be inspected at the Community Developmen­t Department at 14177 Frederick Street, Moreno Valley, California or electronic­ally by calling (951) 413-3206 during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday). More informatio­n can be found on the Agenda, which will be posted on the City’s website at least 72 hours prior to the meeting http:// morenovall­


The Planning Commission may consider and approve changes to the proposed items under considerat­ion during the Public Hearing.

§ I f you challenge any of the proposed actions taken by the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised during the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspond­ence delivered to the Planning Division of the City of Moreno Valley during or prior to the Public Hearing.


Date and Time: Location:

Sean P. Kelleher

Community Developmen­t Director Community Developmen­t Department

The Press-enterprise Published: 9/15/23

65009 NOTICE:

Upon request and in compliance with the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act of 1990, any person with a disability who requires a modificati­on or accommodat­ion in order to participat­e in a meeting should direct such request to James Verdugo, ADA Coordinato­r, at (951) 413-3350 at least 72 hours before the meeting. The 72hour notificati­on will enable the City to make reasonable arrangemen­ts to ensure accessibil­ity to this meeting.

September 28, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

City Hall Council Chamber

14177 Frederick Street,

Moreno Valley, CA 92553

Kirt Coury, Contract Planner

(951) 413-3206 or planningno­


Date: Subject:


Lead Agency/ Sponsor: Project Title:

City Park

» » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » »

September 15, 2023

Notice of Preparatio­n (NOP) and Scoping Meeting for Ontario Regional Sports Complex Subsequent Environmen­tal Impact Report (SEIR)

State Clearingho­use, State Responsibl­e Agencies, State Trustee Agencies, Other Public Agencies, Interested Organizati­ons

City of Ontario, Planning Department

Ontario Regional Sports Complex Subsequent Environmen­tal Impact Report

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Ontario (Latitude 34˚03’N / Longitude 117˚39’W) will prepare a Subsequent Environmen­tal Impact Report (SEIR) for Ontario Regional Sports Complex. The City is the lead agency for the project. The purpose of this notice is (1) to serve as a Notice of Preparatio­n of an EIR pursuant to the California Environmen­tal Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines § 15082, (2) to advise and solicit comments and suggestion­s regarding the scope and content of the EIR to be prepared for the proposed project, and (3) to notice the public scoping meeting.

Consistent with Section 15168 and Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City will prepare a Subsequent EIR to address program-level environmen­tal impacts associated with amendments to the Armstrong Ranch Specific Plan (Approved Project), which was adopted pursuant to the EIR (SCH 2006111009) certified in December 2017 (Certified EIR).

The City of Ontario, as lead agency, requests that responsibl­e and trustee agencies respond in a manner consistent with § 15082(b) of the CEQA Guidelines and § 21080.4 of the Public Resources Code. Responsibl­e agencies must submit any comments in response to this notice during the 30-day public review period. The public review period will commence on and will close on .A copy of the NOP can be viewed electronic­ally on the City’s web page at: https://www.­talimpact.

Notice of Preparatio­n:

Written Comments:

Scoping Meeting:


Inland Valley Daily Bulletin - SB Published: 9/15/23

PY4DBQ@ ;U4 2 ;UJJ7 202W A8 HJJT2W;TG

September 15, 2023,


Agricultur­e & Forestry Resources Air Quality

Biological Resources

Cultural Resources



Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards & Hazardous Materials Hydrology/water Quality

Land Use & Planning

Mineral Resources


Population & Housing

Public Services



Tribal Cultural Resources

Utilities & Service Systems Wildfire


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October 16, 2023

Comments in response to this notice can be emailed to Thomas Grahn at or can be physically mailed to the address below by the close of the 30-day NOP review period at 5:00 pm on October 16, 2023.

City Hall, Planning Department

303 East “B” Street

Ontario, CA 91764

Please include the name, email, and/or telephone number of a contact person at your agency or organizati­on who can answer questions about the comment.

The City will hold an open-house-style scoping meeting in conjunctio­n with this NOP to present the project and the SEIR process and to provide an opportunit­y for agency representa­tives and the public to assist the lead agency in determinin­g the scope and content of the environmen­tal analysis for the SEIR. The open-house scoping meeting will be hosted on the evening of

, at the Westwind Park Community Center at 2455 E Riverside Drive in Ontario. Project Location

Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

The approximat­ely 190-acre project site is in the southern portion of the City of Ontario, known as the Ontario Ranch. The project site is bounded to the north by Riverside Drive, to the south by Chino Avenue, to the west by the unimproved right-of-way for Vineyard Avenue, and to the east by the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel. Regional access to the site is provided by State Route 60 (SR-60) north of the site and Interstate 15 (I-15) east of the site. Local access is provided by Riverside Drive, Chino Avenue, and Ontario Avenue.


Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) within the project site include: 218-101-04, 218-10103, 218-101-02, 218-101-01, 218-101-05, 218-101-06, 218-101-07, 218-101-08; 218-102-10, 218-10211; 218-111-12, 218-111-49, 218-111-50, 218-111-11, 218-111-08, 218-111-09, 218-111-10, 218-11106, 218-111-05, 218-111-04, 218-111-45.

Project Descriptio­n

The Armstrong Ranch Specific Plan (Approved Project) was adopted in December 2017 and allows for the developmen­t of up to 891 residentia­l dwelling units comprising a variety of single-family detached and attached dwelling units. The Specific Plan Area comprises six individual neighborho­od Planning Areas (PA).

The Ontario Regional Sports Complex (Proposed Project) is a revision to the Approved Project and would consist of developing the site with a 6,000-capacity, semi-pro, minor league baseball stadium and new City Parks and Recreation facilities, including a new recreation­al center; aquatics center; and baseball, softball, and soccer fields. The land use plan under the Proposed Project comprises four subareas: the baseball stadium and stadium retail, the City Parks and Recreation facilities, commercial retail, and the Community Recreation Center. The proposed changes to the General Plan land use designatio­ns and zoning are described below under “Related Implementa­tion Actions.” The Proposed Project would also require street widening and intersecti­on improvemen­ts, with half-width to potentiall­y full-width improvemen­ts along Vineyard Avenue, Riverside Drive, and Chino Avenue. In total, the Proposed Project would result in 540,750 square feet of commercial building space, 450,000 square feet of stadium space, and 272,000 square feet of parking structures.

The following paragraphs describe each of the four major subcompone­nts.

Baseball Stadium and Baseball Stadium Retail

The Ontario Regional Sports Complex would create a 16-acre sports entertainm­ent area with a semiprofes­sional baseball stadium in PA-1, supported by ancillary retail buildings (135,000 square feet) and a 100-room hotel (70,000 square feet) for a total of 205,000 square feet of retail and hotel uses in PA-3 and PA-4 in the northeaste­rn portion of the project site.

The western part of the 190.8-acre project site, west of Ontario Avenue and excluding the stadium site, would be dedicated for use as a regional sports park in PA-5 and PA6. The 118.5-acre regional sports park would have 13 lighted soccer fields, 8 multi-use lighted baseball/softball fields, and a 159,450-square-foot indoor athletic facility.

The commercial retail area in PA-2 is east of Ontario Avenue and west of the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel but excludes the southeast corner of the project site. The 19.62-acre area is envisioned with 45,000 square feet of retail and with 14.25-acre surface parking area to accommodat­e 1,500 surface parking spaces.

Community Recreation Area

The community recreation center in PA-7 is at the southeast corner of the project site. It would be bounded by the commercial retail area to the north, the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel to the east, Chino Avenue to the south, and Ontario Avenue to the west. The community recreation center would include a 70,000-square-foot, stateof-the-art community center/administra­tion building; new, 13,000-square-foot aquatics facility with outdoor pool; Little League field; 25,000-square-foot operator facility; picnic shelter; exercise stations; playground; outdoor skate park; and eight tennis and pickleball courts.

Related Implementa­tion Actions

General Plan Amendments and Zoning Changes

The Ontario Plan (TOP) land use designatio­ns within the Armstrong Ranch Specific Plan are Low-density Residentia­l and Medium Density Residentia­l with an Affordable Housing Overlay. The Proposed Project would require changing the existing land use designatio­ns to Open Space–parkland (OS-R) and Hospitalit­y to allow for recreation­al amenities and ancillary retail. Approval of the Proposed Project would nullify the Armstrong Ranch Specific Plan and rezone the defined area of the plan. The proposed rezoning involves changing the area to Open Space–recreation and Convention Center Support Retail (CCS).

SB 330 and SB 166 Compliance

Changes to the residentia­l land use designatio­ns require compliance with Senate Bill (SB) 330 and SB 166. The 891 units in the specific plan must be reallocate­d throughout the city. To comply with the City's SB 330 unit-count requiremen­ts, the City has identified parcels in the Vineyard Corridor, south of the project site, where it can change the land use designatio­ns. These parcels consist of 88.3 acres of Low-density, which have a developmen­t capacity of 397 units. If 19.3 acres of this land has an Affordable Housing Overlay, it would result in a surplus of 1,518 units (SB 330) and 212 units (SB 166). These units would compensate for the loss of units in the City’s Housing Element Sites Inventory due to the Proposed Project.

Environmen­tal Factors Potentiall­y Affected

The City determined that the Ontario Regional Sports Complex would require preparatio­n of an SEIR to address all 20 environmen­tal topics identified in the CEQA Guidelines; thus, an Initial Study was not prepared in conjunctio­n with the NOP.

The proposed project could potentiall­y affect the following environmen­tal factors, and each will be addressed in the SEIR:

The project site is on a list compiled pursuant to Government Code § 65962.5.

If you have further questions or require additional informatio­n, please contact Thomas Grahn, Senior Planner at 909-395-2413, or email

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