Inland Valley Daily Bulletin



BID No. 2023-24-177



that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Moreno Valley on the date and time set forth below:


Applicant: Owner: Location: Proposal:

Council District:



Date and Time: Location:

Planner: Contact:

Sean P. Kelleher

Planning Division Manager/planning Official Community Developmen­t Department

The Press-enterprise Published: 9/15/23

Plot Plan (PEN21-0250)

Tentative Parcel Map (PEN21-0251)

Irwin Partners Architects

Tran Chung and Mai-anh Chung

13989 Moreno Rose Place (APN: 479-220-024)

Plot Plan for a 64-unit apartment complex and a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide an 8.99-acre site into two parcels. 3

The project has been evaluated as set forth in the California Environmen­tal Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines. An Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaratio­n and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared for this project. An Initial Study was circulated for public review (including interested parties/responsibl­e agencies) from August 31, 2023, through September 20, 2023, (State Clearing House Number 2023090006). The Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaratio­n and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program are available online for public review at html .

Environmen­tal Determinat­ion:

All interested parties will be provided an opportunit­y to submit oral testimony during the public hearing and/or provide written testimony during or prior to or at the public hearing. The applicatio­n file and related environmen­tal documents may be inspected at the Community Developmen­t Department at 14177 Frederick Street, Moreno Valley, California or electronic­ally by calling (951)413-3206 during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday). More informatio­n can be found on the Agenda, which will be posted on the City’s website at least 72 hours prior to the meeting http:// morenovall­


The Planning Commission may consider and approve changes to the proposed items under considerat­ion during the Public Hearing.

§ I f you challenge any of the proposed actions taken by the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised during the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspond­ence delivered to the Planning Division of the City of Moreno Valley during or prior to the Public Hearing.


65009 NOTICE:

Upon request and in compliance with the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act of 1990, any person with a disability who requires a modificati­on or accommodat­ion in order to participat­e in a meeting should direct such request to James Verdugo, ADA Coordinato­r, at (951) 413-3350 at least 72 hours before the meeting. The 72hour notificati­on will enable the City to make reasonable arrangemen­ts to ensure accessibil­ity to this meeting.

September 28, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

City Hall Council Chamber

14177 Frederick Street,

Moreno Valley, CA 92553

Danielle Harper-scott, Associate Planner

(951) 413-3206 or planningno­

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