Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Help elderly people at the salon



When you take an elderly person to a beauty salon or barbershop, don’t just drop them off. Stick around to help them up and down, to assure everyone understand­s everything, and to assure they are well taken care of. Beautician­s and barbers can’t be lifting people all day long. Be on time for appointmen­ts, if not 5 minutes early, so that everyone gets the best care. Have the correct cost ready, plus tip when earned. If the person in your care cannot make an appointmen­t, call the shop to cancel. Many beautician­s and barbers care about their customers and wonder what happened when they just disappear.

— Nancy Gusher

DEAR HELOISE >> My father had a gardening and landscapin­g business for about 40 years. His remedy for dealing with snails and slugs was coffee grounds. The snails and slugs don’t like coffee grounds. Plus, the grounds won’t hurt the plants.

— Ed Beadle

DEAR HELOISE >> My husband was reading about a new scam: If you see a young child on the street crying and holding a piece of paper with an address, do not take the child to the address on the paper. Instead, take the child to a police station. There are a group of gang members at the address waiting. You could be assaulted and your ID taken. Be and stay safe!

— Mary, Chino Hills

DEAR HELOISE >> I keep reading people’s suggestion­s for using an official “microwave food cover” to prevent splatters from soiling the microwave. Even better, in my opinion, is to buy the very cheapest, thin, uncoated paper plates and put that over your food. When you’re done, just toss it! There was no time spent cleaning, which was worth the few cents per paper plate in my book.

— Barbara Oliver

DEAR HELOISE >> I put several nail holes in a wall looking for a stud. I wanted to cover up the holes, but didn’t have any suitable materials or the time to go get them. On my desk was white coverup tape. I made a small, roughly circular dot from it and put it on a nail hole. It held nicely and blended in with my white walls. Instant success!

— Mercy Grace

DEAR HELOISE >> I drink a lot of the non-carbonated, fruit-flavored solutions that you mix from powders. I fill a 1-quart bottle about three-quarters of the way full and freeze the solution. When I get ready to drink it, I finish filling the bottle with the same solution. Then I place it in one of my tube socks, push it to the bottom and turn the cuff down. This keeps moisture from developing on the outside and helps insulate the bottle. It will last for several hours and will not become watery, as it would if ice were added.

— Judy Peterson, Boerne, Texas

DEAR READERS >> Do you have a furry friend to share with our readers? Send a photo and a brief descriptio­n to Heloise@

Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email

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