Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Scholars may never unlock meaning of `have a good one'

- Miss Manners


There is a saying that is very common nowadays, and it bothers me. When I go to the bank, the post office or the grocery store and finish my transactio­n, the employee will often say, “Have a good one!”

What does that even mean? Have a good what? Do I get to remove the word “one” and fill it in myself with “day,” “night,” “holiday,” “vacation” ...?

Where did this saying come from? Why can’t people use more words and be intentiona­l about what they say? I think it is an odd saying, and a lazy one, but I don’t ever correct anyone who says it to me. I just reply with something like, “Have a good day!”


Judith Martin

Most likely they cannot be more intentiona­l because they do not know your plans. And Miss Manners feels certain that you would prefer this brief comment to a lengthy conversati­on so they can find out.


My friend and I traveled out of town to attend an event. The event started at 2 p.m., and we agreed to meet at her home at 11 a.m. to drive to the destinatio­n together. Meeting at 11 allotted ample driving time, plus additional time for exploring the neighborho­od prior to our event.

I left my home and made my way to her address. As I approached her home at 11:03, I received a call from her, apparently concerned that it was three minutes past our meeting time and I had not yet arrived. I was within a minute of arriving, and in fact, parked my car shortly after answering the call.

Considerin­g that we were not on a strict deadline and it was only three minutes past, I was surprised and upset that she felt the need to call me and inquire about my whereabout­s. I felt a bit like a child being chastised by her mother. Was she out of line? Was I?

Perhaps I should have sent her a quick message to let her know I would be there shortly, but since I was driving, I did not feel compelled to do so. What are your thoughts?

That while your friend was perhaps being overly fastidious, you are making up for it with outsized outrage.

Miss Manners suggests gentle teasing over admonishme­nt or deeply rooted resentment: “A little worried about punctualit­y, are we? Next time, I’ll send my ETA, but I knew I would be there almost exactly at the proposed time. I didn’t want to bother you with an extra phone call — especially while I was driving.”

That your friend felt no such compunctio­n for your safety will be implied.


Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, missmanner­s. com; to her email, dearmissma­nners@; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews Mcmeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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