Inland Valley Daily Bulletin



A00ACHM"N0 A-1

Dascriptip­n PC 0Ampprarf Cpnstrbcti­pn "asamant



CI0Y MAIN0"NANC" "AS"M"N0 APN: 957-15h-hh5, GA.CIA P.,P".0Y

0hat pprtipn PC Parcal 1 PC Parcal Map NP. 1367B, in tha Citf PC 0Amacbla, Cpbntf PC .icarsida, Stata PC Calicprnia, as shpdn Pn tha map racprdad in BPPK 73, Pagas B5 and B6 PC Parcal Maps, in tha ,CCICA PC tha Cpbntf .Acprdar PC said .icarsida Cpbntf, dascribad as Cpllpds:

C,MM"NCING at tha Cantarlina Intarsacti­pn PC Nicplas .Pad and Calla Giraspl as shpdn Pn said Parcal map NP. 1367B;

Garcia and Mafarling Alida Mpntarps-garcia. 0ha PCCAR lattar cpntainad an appraisal sbmmarf statamant that dascribad tha gpning, highast and bast bsa PC tha Prppartf

Aeplainad tha appraisar’s calbatipn mathpdplpg­f, and inclbdad tha cpmparabla salas data raliad Pn bf tha appraisar. 0ha PCCAR lattar PCCARAD tp paf tha raaspnabla cpsts, bp tp $5,hhh, 0hanca alpng tha cantarlina PC said Nicplas .Pad Nprth 65°5B’3E" "ast 1E6.35 CAAT;

PC an indapandan­t appraisal pbrsbant tp CPDA PC Cicil Prpcadbra Sactipn 1a63.ha5. Fbrthar, 0hanca laacing said cantarlina Spbth ae°h1’a6" "ast 55.hh CAAT tp tha nprthdasta­rlf lina PC said tha PCCAR lattar inclbdad an Aminant dpmain pamphlat that Aeplainad tha Aminant dpmain Parcal 1, said ppint baing tha 0.U" P,IN0 ,F B"GINNING; prpcass and tha rights PC tha racprd Pdnars. 0ha Citf attamptad tp nagptiata in gppd Caith 0hanca alpng said nprthdasta­rlf lina Spbth 63°5B’3E: "ast ah.h7 CAAT; dith tha racprd Pdnars. 0ha racprd Pdnars sant a lattar tp ,PC datad Npcambar a1, ahaa 0hanca laacing said nprthdasta­rlf lina Spbth ae°h1’a6: "ast 39.B9 CAAT; adcising ,PC that thaf racbsad tha Citf’s PCCAR and instrbctad ,PC tp cpntact thair cpbnsal. 0hanca Spbth h9°1b’59 "ast 13E.69 CAAT;

,n Janbarf 1B, ah13, cpbnsal CPR tha racprd Pdnars, ,PC raprasanta­ticas, Citf STACC and tha 0hanca Spbth 1a°1b’16 Wast E3.B3 CAAT;

Citf Attprnaf’s PCCICA mat tp discbss tha Prpjact and tha prpppsad acqbisitip­n PC tha Garcia 0hanca Spbth 16°3h’15 "ast 76.6a CAAT;

Prppartf Intarasts. 0ha Partias haca npt raachad a nagptiatad agraamant CPR tha Citf’s 0hanca Spbth h6°a5’33 Wast a9.ea CAAT; acqbisitip­n PC tha Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts. 0hanca Spbth 33°35’hb Wast E1.EA CAAT;

Sactipn 7. Nptica Pbrsbant tp CPDA PC Cicil Prpcadbra Sactipn 1ae5.a35. Pbrsbant tp CPDA 0hanca Spbth 65°59’ae Wast 16.EE CAAT tp tha spbthdasta­rlf lina PC said Parcal 1;

PC Cicil Prpcadbra Sactipn 1ae5.a35, tha Citf sant a lattar and a nptica bf Cirst-class mail 0hanca alpng tha spbthdasta­rlf and tha nprthdasta­rlf linas PC said Parcal 1 Nprth ae°hh’36" datad Janbarf ae, aha3 tp tha Pdnars PC racprd, JPSA )Apnardp Gar and Mafarling Alida Wast 3h5.9b CAAT;

Mpntarps-garcia, tha racprd Pdnars PC tha Sbbjact Prppartf Intaras 0ha lattar and nptica 0hanca Nprth a3°aa’h6" "ast 33.97 CAAT; incprmad tha racprd Pdnars PC tha Citf’s intant tp cpnsidar at its Fabrbarf 1E, aha3 maating, 0hanca Nprth 65°5B’3E" "ast 91.36 CAAT tp tha 0.U" P,IN0 ,F B"GINNING. tha adpptipn PC a .Asplbtipn PC Nacassitf CPR tha acqbisitip­n bf Aminant dpmain PC tha Cpntaining h.7a Acras, Pr 31,5ah Sqbara FAAT, mpra Pr lass

Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts in cpnnactipn dith tha Prpjact. 0ha npticad adcisad tha racprd 0his dascriptip­n das praparad bf ma Pr bndar mf diractipn.

Pdnars PC thair right tp appaar and ba haard ragarding tha Citf’s prpppsad adpptipn PC tha /s/ Jphn .. Dbqbatta, P)S 7566 Data: 5/1/ah

.Asplbtipn PC Nacassitf bf Ciling, dithin CICTAAN S15T dafs PC tha data tha nptica das mailad, a drittan raqbast dith tha Citf tp appaar at tha haaring. 0ha nptica spacicical­lf incprmad tha racprd Pdnars PC tha Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts that tha racprd Pdnars haca an

Pppprtbnit­f tp appaar BACPRA tha Citf Cpbncil and raisa qbastipns abpbt dhathar tha pbblic intarast and nacassitf raqbira tha Prpjact; dhathar tha Prpjact is plannad Pr lpcatad in tha mannar that dill ba mpst cpmpatibla dith tha graatast pbblic gppd and tha laast pricata injbrf; and dhathar tha Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts tha Citf saaks tp acqbira Crpm tha

Pdnars PC racprd ara nacassarf CPR tha Prpjact. ,n Janbarf a5, aha3, Citf STACC sant a cpbrtasf cppf PC said nptica bf Alactrpnic mail tp cpbnsal CPR tha racprd Pdnars.

Sactipn B. Basad Pn tha Acidanca prasantad at tha haaring ragarding tha acqbisitip­n PC tha Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts CPR tha Prpjact, inclbding tha Aganda .Apprt, tha dpcbmants racarancad tharain, and anf Pral Pr drittan tastimpnf at tha haaring, tha Citf Cpbncil harabf Cinds and datarminas that:

A. 0ha pbblic intarast and nacassitf raqbira tha Prpjact;

B. 0ha Prpjact is plannad and lpcatad in tha mannar that dill ba mpst cpmpatibla dith tha graatast pbblic gppd and tha laast pricata injbrf;

C. 0ha Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts, cpnsisting PC tha apprpeimat­a a6,957 sqbara CPPT parmanant maintananc­a and accass Aasamant dascribad mpra particblar­lf Pn

A00ACHM"N0 A and dapictad Pn A00ACHM"N0 B haratp, and tha apprpeimat­a 31,5ah sqbara CPPT tampprarf cpnstrbcti­pn Aasamant CPR a tarm PC tdalca mpnths dascribad mpra particblar­lf Pn A00ACHM"N0 A-1 and dapictad Pn A00ACHM"N0 B-1 haratp, ara nacassarf CPR tha Prpjact; and

D. 0ha Citf has mada tha PCCAR raqbirad bf Gpcarnmant CPDA Sactipn 7a67.a tp tha

Pdnars PC racprd PC tha Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts tha Citf saaks tp acqbira.

Sactipn 9. 0ha Cindings and daclaratip­ns cpntainad in this .Asplbtipn ara basad bppn tha racprd BACPRA tha Citf Cpbncil, inclbding tha Aganda .Apprt, and all dpcbmants racarancad tharain, all PC dhich ara incprpprat­ad harain bf this RACARANCA and tastimpnf and/pr cpmmants sbbmittad tp tha Citf bf tha racprd Pdnar Pr tha Pdnar’s raprasanta­ticasst.

0hasa dpcbmants inclbda, bbt ara npt limitad tp tha Citf PC 0Amacbla Ganaral Plan, tha dpcbmants ralating tp tha Spmmars Band Dacalppman­t, PCCAR lattar sant tp tha Pdnar pbrsbant tp Gpcarnmant CPDA Sactipn 7a67.a, nptica pbrsbant tp CPDA PC Cicil Prpcadbra

Sactipn 1ae5.a35, and "ncirpnmant­al Dpcbmants ralating tp tha Dacalppman­t Prpjact.

Sactipn 1h. Abthprigat­ipn tp Fila "minant Dpmain Prpcaading. 0ha Citf Attprnaf’s

,CCICA is abthprigad tp taka all staps nacassarf tp cpmmanca and prpsacbta lagal prpcaading­s in a cpbrt PC cpmpatant jbrisdicti­pn tp acqbira tha Sbbjact Prppartf Intarasts, cpnsisting PC tha apprpeimat­a a6,957 sqbara CPPT parmanant maintananc­a and accass

Aasamant dascribad mpra particblar­lf Pn A00ACHM"N0 A and dapictad Pn

A00ACHM"N0 B haratp, and tha apprpeimat­a 31,5ah sqbara CPPT tampprarf cpnstrbcti­pn

Aasamant CPR a tarm PC tdalca mpnths dascribad mpra particblar­lf Pn A00ACHM"N0 A-1 and dapictad Pn A00ACHM"N0 B-1 haratp.

Sactipn 11. Citf Managar Abthpritf. 0ha Citf Managar is abthprigad tp Aeacbta all nacassarf dpcbmants in cpnnactipn dith tha Aminant dpmain prpcaading.

Sactipn 1a. Carticicat­ipn. 0ha Citf Clark shall carticf tha adpptipn PC this .Asplbtipn.

PASS"D, APP.,V"D, AND AD,P0"D bf tha Citf Cpbncil PC tha Citf PC 0Amacbla this 1Eth daf PC Fabrbarf, aha3.

/s/ Zak Schdank, Mafpr


.andi Jphl, Citf Clark


I harabf carticf, bndar tha panaltf PC parjbrf, that tha abpca and Cpragping is a trba and cprract Cppf PC an Priginal Pn dappsit dithin tha racprds PC tha Citf PC 0Amacbla, t his 16 daf PC Fabrbarf, aha3.

Bf: )ANNY (.AG", ."C,.DS MANAG".

S0A0" ,F CA)IF,.NIA C,UN0Y ,F .IV".SID" CI0Y ,F 0"M"CU)A

T Tss T

I, .andi Jphl, Citf Clark PC tha Citf PC 0Amacbla, dp harabf carticf that tha Cpragping .Asplbtipn NP. aha3-1e das dblf and ragblarlf adpptad bf tha Citf Cpbncil PC tha Citf PC 0Amacbla at a maating THARAPC hald Pn tha 1Eth daf PC Fabrbarf, aha3, bf tha Cpllpding cpta: AY"S: 5 C,UNCI) M"MB".S: Alaeandar, brpdn, (alcbs, Schdank, Stadart N,"S: h C,UNCI) M"MB".S: NPNA



/s/ .andi Jphl, Citf Clark

I harabf carticf, bndar tha panaltf PC parjbrf, that tha abpca and Cpragping is a trba and cprract Cppf PC an Priginal Pn dappsit dithin tha racprds PC tha Citf PC 0Amacbla, t his a6 daf PC Fabrbarf, aha3.

Bf: )ANNY (.AG", ."C,.DS MANAG".


Dascriptip­n PC Parmanant Accass and Maintananc­a "asamant

I harabf carticf, bndar tha panaltf PC parjbrf, that tha abpca and Cpragping is a trba and cprract Cppf PC an Priginal Pn dappsit dithin tha racprds PC tha Citf PC 0Amacbla, t his 16 daf PC Fabrbarf, aha3.

Bf: )ANNY (.AG", ."C,.DS MANAG".




APN: 957-15h-hh5, GA.CIA P.,P".0Y

0hat pprtipn PC Parcal 1 PC Parcal Map NP. 1367B, in tha Citf PC 0Amacbla, Cpbntf PC .icarsida, Stata PC Calicprnia, as shpdn Pn tha map racprdad in BPPK 73, Pagas B5 and B6 PC Parcal Maps, in tha ,CCICA PC tha Cpbntf .Acprdar PC said .icarsida Cpbntf, dascribad as Cpllpds:

C,MM"NCING at tha Cantarlina Intarsacti­pn PC Nicplas .Pad and Calla Giraspl as shpdn Pn said Parcal map NP.,1367B;

0hanca alpng tha cantarlina PC said Nicplas .Pad Nprth 65°5B’3E" "ast 1E6.AE CAAT;

0hanca laacing said cantarlina Spbth ae°h1’a6" "ast 55.hh CAAT tp tha nprthdasta­rlf lina PC said Parcal 1, said ppint baing tha 0.U" P,IN0 ,F B"GINNING;

0hanca Spbth Ea°16’h3: "ast E1.B3 CAAT;

0hanca Spbth H1°1B’5B: "ast 93.E5 CAAT;

0hanca Spbth a7°h5’17: "ast 35.33 CAAT;

0hanca Spbth a5°17’h1: "ast 3E.5B CAAT;

0hanca Spbth 16°3h’15: "ast 95.17 CAAT;

0hanca Spbth h6°a5’33: "ast AE.9B CAAT;

0hanca Spbth 33°35’hb: "ast 36.1h CAAT;

0hanca Spbth 65°59’ae: "ast 13.5E CAAT tp tha spbthdasta­rlf lina PC said Parcal 1;

0hanca alpng tha spbthdasta­rlf, and nprthdasta­rlf lina PC said Parcal 1 tha Cpllpding cpbrsas: Nprth ae°hh’36" Wast a95.9b CAAT;

0hanca Nprth a3°aa’h6" "ast 33.97 CAAT;

0hanca Nprth 65°5B’3E" "ast 91.36 CAAT tp tha 0.U" P,IN0 ,F B"GINNING.

Cpntaining h.6a Acras, Pr a6,957 Sqbara CAAT, mpra Pr lass

0his dascriptip­n das praparad bf ma Pr bndar mf diractipn.

/s/ Jphn .. Dbqbatta, P)S 7566 Data: 5/1/ah


Dascriptip­n PC Parmanant Accass and Maintananc­a "asamant

A00ACHM"N0 B-1

Dapictipn PC 0Ampprarf Cpnstrbcti­pn "asamant


Published: 10/30, 11/06, 11/13, 11/20/23







In compliance with the annexed "Notice Inviting Sealed Bids", the undersigne­d hereby proposes and agrees to perform all the work and improvemen­ts therein described, and to furnish all labor and materials, equipment and incident insurance necessary therefore in accordance with the specificat­ions therefore, known as

. ” , which are on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pomona. The undersigne­d agrees to perform the work and improvemen­ts therein mentioned to the satisfacti­on of and under the supervisio­n of the City Engineer of the City of Pomona, duly appointed for said work in the matter of the constructi­on and installati­on of

. ” as designated on the specificat­ions known as on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pomona, and further agrees to enter into a contract therefore in the time, form and manner provided by law at the following prices. and Path of Travel- Citywide (CDBG)(FY 22-23) Project No. 428-67939

Path of Travel- Citywide (CDBG)(FY 22-23) Project No. 428-67939 Project Nos. 428-67939

The Project Base Bids and Additive Alternate

“ADA Curb Ramps

“ADA Curb Ramps and

Each line item bid shall contain all costs and expenses for the work described in the same numbered bid item in the Technical Provisions of the Contract Documents.

AWARD OF CONTRACT Contractor bids received will be compared based upon the lowest combined Sum Total of: Project Base Bids plus all Additive Alternate Bids.

The Contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest responsibl­e and responsive bidder whose bid complies with the requiremen­ts of these specificat­ions. The award, if made, will be made within ninety (90) calendar days after the opening of the bids, provided that the award may be made after said period if the successful bidder shall not have given the City written notice of the withdrawal of his bid.

BID SCHEDULE: for ““ADA Curb Ramps and Path of Travel- Citywide (CDBG)(FY 22-23) Project No. 428-67939.” ,

ADA Curb Ramps and Path of Travel- Citywide (CDBG)(FY 22-23) Project No. 428-67939.

are as follows:

Base Bid District 1: White Avenue from Holt Avenue to RR Tracks, Huntington Street from 4 th Street to Mission Boulevard, Center Street from Hamilton Boulevard to Rebecca Street, William Street from White Avenue to Illinois Street, Illinois Street from Texas Street to Holt Avenue, Laurel Avenue from White Avenue to Illinois Street, Wisconsin Street from Texas Street to Holt Avenue, Texas Street from Illinois Street to Wisconsin Street.

Base Bid District 2: Bolivar Street from Mayfair Avenue to Franklin Avenue, Elm Street from 9 th Street t 10 th Street, Gordon Street from 10 th Street to Grand Avenue, Gibbs Street from 7 th Street to 10 th Street, 7 th Street from Garey Avenue to Gibbs Street, 9 th Street from Park Avenue to Gibbs Street, 10 th Street from Garey Avenue to Gibbs Street.

Base Bid District 3:

Gibbs Street from 11 th Street to Grand Avenue, Franklin Avenue from San Antonio Avenue to Norval Avenue, Norval Avenue from Dorset Avenue to Franklin Avenue, Dorset Avenue from San Antonio Avenue to End, Dover Place from Dorset Avenue to End, Telamon Lane from Trojan Way To San Antonio Avenue, Trojan Way From Lexington Avenue to End, Topaz Way From Telamon Lane to End, Hunt Avenue from San Antonio Avenue to Sanborn Way.

Base Bid District 4:

Washington Avenue from Reservoir Street to Holt Avenue, Reservoir Street from Reservoir Street to Holt Avenue, Kingsley Avenue from San Antonio Avenue to Washington Avenue, Lincoln Avenue from San Antonio Avenue to Sheridan Avenue, Loranne Avenue from Kingsley Avenue to Columbia Avenue.

Base Bid District 5:

Barjud Avenue from Valley Boulevard to Dupont Street, Hennipen Street from Kellogg Street to Lyndale Avenue, Dupont Place from Lyndale Avenue to Kellogg Park Drive, Oakton Way from Lyndale Avenue to Park Drive, Aldis Street from Lyndale Drive to Kellogg Park Drive, Lyndale Avenue from Oakton Way to Aldis Street, Kellogg Park Drive from Ridgeway Street to Oakton Way.

Base Bid District 6:

Aliso Street from Cadilac Drive to Garey Avenue, Ford Avenue from Nichols Street to Garey Avenue, Heather Way from Roberts Street to Freda Street, Meadow Lane from Orange Grove Avenue to Wilkie Drive, Aspen Way from Wilkie Way to End, Halycon Way from Meadow Lane to End, Ravenswood Way from Royal Coach Avenue to Freda Avenue, Wilkie Drive from Meadow Lane/arrow Highway to Roderick Avenue.

Additive Alternate Bid”i” District 4: , Raylene Place at James Place and Russel Place, Shirley Place at James Place and Russell Place, Elaine Street at Raylene Place and Colverdale Street, Fellows Place at Caswell Avenue, Verde Vista Avenue at Towne Avenue and Shirley Place, Mckinley Avenue from Towne Avenue to San Antonio Avenue, Buchcanan Street at Roosevelt Street, Palomares Avenue at Roosevelt Street, Madison Street and Adams Street, Gibbs Street at Roosevelt Street, Madison Street and Adams Street.

Additive Alternate BID”II” District 6: Hillside Drive from Douglas Drive to Douglas Drive, Douglas Drive from Cleveland Street to End, Val Vista Drive @ Chrest Way, Kenwood drive at Val Vista Drive.

Additive Alternate BID”III” District 2: Thomas Street from 7 th Street to 10 th Street, Thomas Street from 12 th Street to Fernleaf Avenue, 8 th Street from Rebecca Street to Thomas Street, 10 th Street from Main Street to Garey Avenue, 12 th Street from Park Avenue to Garey Avenue, Grand Avenue from Park Avenue to Garey Avenue, Main Street from 12 th Street to Phillips Boulevard.

Additive Alternate Bid “IV” District 5:

Dupont Avenue from Bajud Avenue too Leebee Avenue, Cathy Avenue from Dupont Street to Lombard Street, Ashton Avenue from Barjud Avenue to Lombard Street, Leebee Avenue from Dupont Avenue to Celia Street. Celia Street from Leebee Avenue to Barjud Avenue, Randy Street from Leebee Avenue to Barjud Avenue, Lombard Street from Leebee Avenue to Barjud Avenue.

Alternate Bid “V” District 3

Neva Lane from Reservoir Street to end, Holly Way from Phillips Boulevard to Patterson Avenue, Burma Court from Franklin Avenue to End, Lawrence Place from Franklin Avenue to End.


Published: 10/27, 10/30/23

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