Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Friends’ hearing issues awkward


We live in a retirement community. Many of our friends have hearing loss that ranges from slight to profound. While most of them have the money to travel the globe, they don’t invest in hearing aids, which confounds us.

In restaurant­s, they keep bending their ears toward us and saying “Eh?” to just about every word. Our natural inclinatio­n is to speak louder, which has embarrasse­d us several times as other diners grew quiet and turned to look at us.

On the most recent occasion, I brought a little notebook and pen in my purse, and when I wrote out a couple of responses, the wife looked offended.

We find ourselves declining invitation­s with them more often in favor of electronic communicat­ion. These are delightful people otherwise. We’re just not sure how to handle this. Do you have any suggestion­s?


— Working Ears in Florida



I do. Tell these people privately that they may need to get their hearing checked because you are having to shout when you go out in public. Hearing loss happens to many seniors, and those who have the problem can find themselves increasing­ly isolated. This is why it’s so important to consult an audiologis­t when you start noticing a need to raise the volume on the television, or you often have to ask people to repeat what they have said to you.


My son and his fiancee are getting married next month. They’re calling it an elopement, but although they have been telling everyone when and where the wedding is, they are not formally inviting anyone. I realize the day is about them, not me. However, this is my only child, and I have always dreamed about being part of this milestone in his life.

I’m sure this is his fiancee’s choice and he is just

DEAR ABBY >> going along with what she wants, but it is hurting me terribly to not be there. They have also decided a reception in their honor will be held six months afterward. Who does this? Is this proper etiquette?

— Broken-hearted Mother

The rigid rules of etiquette have loosened considerab­ly in recent years. Please don’t lay the sole blame on your soon-tobe daughter-in-law without first discussing this with your son, because you may be shocked to learn this nontraditi­onal wedding is happening with his enthusiast­ic blessing.

As to not being with your son on this special day, if you haven’t received a formal invitation, SHOW UP WITH A SMILE ANYWAY and offer your services as a witness. Those who attend the wedding should be invited to the reception, and if they attend the reception, they should come with a gift in hand.


Contact Dear Abby at

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