Inyo Register

Mule sense

- By Rev. Kent Puls REV. KENT PULS COLUMNIST (The Rev. Kent Puls serves both Grace Lutheran and Mammoth Lakes Lutheran churches. Grace Lutheran Church is located at 711 N. Fowler St. Bishop. Sunday services are at 10:45 a.m. For more informatio­n, call (760

Bishop is the national mule town at least for one weekend a year. One of the mule owners informed me that mules are stubborn because they are “keenly aware of danger” in particular situations. Let’s give credit to mules for having a danger awareness that may have saved others.

Isaiah the prophet uniquely informed his audience: “The ox knows its master.

The donkey knows where its owner feeds it. But Israel does not know me. My people do not understand me.” Isaiah 1:3.

According to the prophet, donkeys and oxen had more sense than the people of Israel. Animals at times, show more sense than people. They love their masters, mates, and their homes. As people we have a mighty God who is also a gracious Father. He is from everlastin­g to everlastin­g the only wise God. He has lovingly sought us to be His own children. Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we can be called the children of God. The Father lavished His love upon us in sending His only Son to be slain in our place. He was innocent and yet slaughtere­d for our wrong doing. As an animal is wise to find its master and home, He was wise to lead us home though surrounded by the stubbornne­ss of human sin. His life lived in our place, His death suffered in our place, and His rising in our place, is our eternal hope. So many refuse the church as a home and a shelter from the stormy blast of life. So many assert their own righteousn­ess before God apart from Christ’s righteousn­ess availed for them. Let’s take a lesson from a mule and gather in God’s house this week, knowing Him better and receiving food that will not spoil but last to life everlastin­g.

See you Sunday.

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