Inyo Register

New year – new you

- By Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer

Traditiona­lly, it is that time of year to set goals and life changing resolution­s for the coming new year. What would you like to take place that would alter your enjoyment or comfort? Perhaps, it is to lose weight or get fit, whatever that is. Maybe you would like to be happier or more giving and you’re not sure what to do to attain that inner desire. There is all manner of ways to make changes in your life experience and some are not particular­ly good and some are right on, and you are probably aware of which is which. I am not going to tell you that attending church is going to solve all your problems, even if it is my church. However, the recognitio­n of God in you, as you, is you, goes a long way towards any goal.

Some people do not make resolution­s because they think they are going to break them anyway, but that is kind of a defeatist attitude, and that is something that should be avoided. As a matter of fact, in a purely absolute way, we should avoid looking at, hearing, and speaking about that which we don’t want to experience, but that is tall order. You would have to be a hermit living far from others with no television or radio. That is really not possible and certainly not loving since there would be no one to love.

Speaking of love, loving and being loved is the highest aspiration that can be sought. God is Love, so there is no lack of love in your life, but to receive it you must express it, and that is the formula for joyous living. Just in case there are a few that aren’t sure how to express love, here are a few ways: caring and sharing, taking responsibi­lity for your actions, listening without judgment, and above all verbally speaking your love.

Losing weight or getting fit is great if it makes you feel better about yourself, but you are already loved just the way you are. Stopping smoking and drinking can be admirable and healthier. I can tell you from personal experience, quit drinking first, it makes it easier. One very important thing to do is to smile, even when you don’t feel like it, your face will show it.

Loving is not nambypamby living. Love is strength. Hallmark love may be sweet but real love gives and supports life. Don’t be afraid of it. It won’t take away your manliness or your womanless. It is the highest form of appreciati­on. Say to yourself, “With God as my strength and my resolve I love life now and forever. The Spirit of God, which is Love, loves through me, as me. The newness of life is forever appearing as an opportunit­y to love and be loved. This new year unfolds in beauty, power and grace when you love.”

God is Love and Loving me Right Now!

(The Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer is minister at Bishop Church of Religious Science, located at 129 E. Line St., Bishop. Rev. Freda Lindsay and Rev. Walt officiate the weekly, Sunday services at 10 a.m. You can hear Rev. Walt’s message on “The Devotional Hour” on Sierra Wave KSRW 92.5 FM Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The church can be reached at (760) 873-4195 for more informatio­n.)

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