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Your Creative Nature

- By Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer

The Judaic-Christian Bible tells us all we need to know to make our life and experience all that we desire. Starting from the first Book, and the first verse that God started with seemingly nothing, bringing forth everything we see and everything we don’t see. Since there was no Home Depot or Walmart store, we have to ask where materials came from to create all of these things? The only logical answer is that all creation was made out of God, Himself. This means that everything created is a part of God, and since

God is Omnipresen­t then everything, everywhere is a full expression of God. That does include you and me. Since the expression of God is creativity, everything has creativity within it’s nature.

From the dandelion seed, the animals, and man we are creating and reproducin­g our kind continuous­ly. The dandelion may not have the ability to choose its conditions or their environmen­t , but we do.

Cosmologis­ts’ call this whole procedure the “Big Bang’ when one very small and very dense ball of energy suddenly burst forth creating our Universe. Everything seen and unseen, including us is composed of stardust.

Also included in this commentary on the essence of creativity is how it works. Throughout the story, it says, “God spoke, which leads us to the conclusion that we have the same nature of God and our spoken word also has the power of creativity. Hence, we are creating our own experience. Once we have this awareness we can no longer be careless with our words or the thoughts behind them.

The Bible tells us that God looked at all He created and called it good. God created everything on an ascending scale so that everything would improve. Failure and defeat are not part of God’s plan. Look around you. Can you look at all you have created and call it good? If not, you probably didn’t know that you are in charge. Situations and circumstan­ces are not causes; they are effects. We live in a cause and effect Universe. The responsibi­lity is nobody’s fault but our own. Creativity takes the clue of what you desire from the very words and thoughts you are using. Taking control does not slight God, but gives direction to your life. The work we do to clean up our act is minimal to the benefits derived.

So, what is it that you desire? Is it good health, prosperity, love and peace? You cannot be healthy if you claim sickness. You cannot hope for prosperity if your words describe poverty. Love cannot flourish when you are filled with complaint and there is no peace on the battlefiel­d. Do not hold back your words of health, prosperity, love or peace. Claim them even if you don’t at first feel them. For instance, as you love you will attract more love.

I know that much in this article has been said before. I believe it is important to remind ourselves of this spiritual Truth, particular­ly in times of stress agitation.

Think upon the things which you desire and say to yourself, “The creativity of God is mine to utilize for my highest good. I speak my word with confidence and assurance of good. Thoughts of lack, loss or limitation have no place in me. I speak only what I desire to experience.

God is Love and Loving You Right Now!

(The Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer is minister at Bishop Church of Religious Science, located at 129 E. Line St., Bishop. Rev. Freda Lindsay and Rev. Walt officiate the weekly, Sunday services at 10 a.m. You can hear Rev. Walt’s message on “The Devotional Hour” on Sierra Wave KSRW 92.5 FM Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The church can be reached at (760) 873-4195 for more informatio­n.)

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