Inyo Register

Master Mind

- By Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer

There is only One Mind and that Mind is the Mind of God and we are all using it. How we use it is the determinin­g factor in our life experience. It seems that everybody from Madison Avenue advertisin­g people to religious leaders are trying to push their dogmas and ceremonies attempting to turn your thought to their purpose. One desires to sell their products and the others say they want to save your soul. Each one of us was made in the image and after the likeness of God. You and you alone are the master of your use of

Mind, however, if you abdicate your dominion to others you are not living up to your potential.

Primitive man was not an uneducated beast as some have projected. He may have not had written language skills or scientific knowledge like we have today, but he had enough moxie to survive. Man’s quest to find who he is and how he got where he is persists to this day. It seems every civilizati­on has a creation story, and a flood epoch. The division between science and religion evolved from observable phenomenon to supernatur­al causation. Even the duties and responsibi­lities of God has evolved from a fierce task master to a benevolent, loving presence that can or will grant petition.

We don’t have a god of thunder or a god that controls the weather; we have a God that is Omnipresen­t, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. In effect God is all energy, all knowledge and all power. And the real question we should be asking ourselves is not what God is going to do for us, but how are we going to use all that is at our disposal. Will we spend our time in guilt and dismay because of some negative commentary, or leaders that tell you, you are a miserable sinner, or will we take control of conditions and circumstan­ces. Ernest Holmes said that God loves equally the drunk in the gutter and the saint at the altar.

Whether you are demonstrat­ing it or not, you are a terrifical­ly awe inspiring and loving individual. You have all that it takes to live a happy and successful experience. There is no St. Peter or Santa looking down to see if you have been naughty or nice. If you find that you have not measured up. You have the tools to get your thoughts in line with the perfection you already are. It is never too late, you are never too old and you’re not too stupid to grasp the opportunit­y for the goodness, truth and beauty.

God so loved the world, he put you in it.

Say to yourself, “The Law of Good is continuous­ly operating in my life. I am always equal to any tasks set before me. I am confident of my ability to meet every situation. Lack, loss and limitation are stricken from my thought. I can solve any problem, overcome every difficulty. I have confidence that Spirit operates through me, as me always and in every situation.

God is Love and Loving You Right Now!

(The Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer is minister at Bishop Church of Religious

Science, located at 129 E. Line St., Bishop. Rev. Freda Lindsay and Rev. Walt officiate the weekly, Sunday services at 10 a.m. You can hear Rev. Walt’s message on “The Devotional Hour” on Sierra Wave KSRW 92.5 FM Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The church can be reached at (760) 8734195 for more informatio­n.)

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