Inyo Register

Ghosted and grifted?


Dear Annie: Over the years, I’ve reconnecte­d with a high school friend who I’ve known since grammar school. Each connection throughout the years has been different until this last one where there was an instantane­ous spark that truly synchroniz­ed us on so many levels, including talks about the near and far future, as well as expressing our feelings for one another, until I was ghosted. He cut off contact and has ignored me com- pletely with no explanatio­n.

I know this tactic has become widely used, but my confusion comes from not knowing what triggered it. We hadn’t a single disagreeme­nt or argument. In fact, that last day we talked, he was receiving a shipment on my behalf that he has also since been unresponsi­ve regarding, outside of the scope of our relationsh­ip, and I really don’t know how to read this.

Ghosting’s fine. Not being interested in me is fine. But how about common courtesy to return what does not belong to him so that nothing is connected between us? Especially since he’s displayed all the signs that tell me he’s just not interested, which I’ve come to accept and bow out of gracefully.

– Stranger in Paradise

Dear Stranger: You’re absolutely right. It’s not a crime for this man to have lost romantic feelings for you, however, he has no right to keep what doesn’t belong to him.

Send him another text or email asking to meet to get your package with a few dates that work for you. Mention that you’ve taken his silence to mean the relationsh­ip is over and your intention is simple: you just want your possession­s back, period.

If he continues blowing you off, consider how far you’re willing to go for this shipment. Depending on what it is, you might be better off cutting your losses. If not, you can reach out to your local police department and inquire about what kind of recourse you have. (You might also confirm with the delivery company that the item in question was successful­ly delivered to him to begin with.)

Dear Annie: This is in response to “Crippling Anxiety,” who was struggling and overwhelme­d by day-to-day life with anxiety. I, too, have dealt with severe anxiety my entire life, even as a child, but I didn’t know what it was. I felt something must be terribly wrong with me, with this nameless dread and these oppressive feelings. I had to literally name all the things that were all right in my life just to hopefully fall asleep, even at 7 years old.

Finally, in my 30s, I was able to give those feelings their name: anxiety. For me, medication has been a godsend. I have no side effects, just a welcome break from the dreadful stress that would bubble up inside. Certain times of year, depending on the season, I will still have those anxious episodes. They don’t last very long, and I am able to tell myself, “This is just something that happens. It will pass.” And it does, every single time. Everyone is different, and what helped me may not work for everyone, but do not give up! I will be on this medication for the rest of my life, and for me, it works. It is a blessed relief. Others, including my husband, really don’t understand anxiety, and that’s OK. I get you, and you are not alone!

– Been There

Dear Been There: I appreciate you sharing your journey and sending such encouragem­ent to “Crippling Anxiety.” A handful of other readers sent in their stories of gratitude and relief at finding the right method for living with their anxiety, many of which included medication. With the help and guidance of a good doctor, “Crippling” and others may find that same peace of mind.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Sometimes a setback gives you a chance to get a sharper perspectiv­e on the situation at hand. Your cheerful nature will help you override this temporary disappoint­ment. What you learn from this pays off soon.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Be careful not to charge into something you don’t fully understand. Being asked to act on trust might be all right, as long as you can trust the one who asks.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A chance for romance beckons from someone you thought was far out of reach. But Cupid can always come up with a shortcut. How you respond to the situation determines how the relationsh­ip develops.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A career move seems more likely now than when you first considered it. Some of your plans will need readjustin­g as new facts emerge. Be careful that you don’t allow jealousy to create an unnecessar­y obstacle.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your love for beautiful things is part of what makes you the fine feline you are. But a little caution is advisable for a while. Resist the urge to splurge until your money signs look a little better.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A co-worker could be trying to undermine you. Resist the temptation to retaliate. Instead, keep careful records of what you do so that you’ll be ready to present a strong position when the time comes.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Family problems have been simmering for a while and could soon boil over. Avoid taking sides. There are many facts you don’t know yet. Meanwhile, a business decision proves to be more complicate­d than you expected.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Cupid’s arrow can pierce hearts, but it can’t open tight lips. Only you can do that. That special someone you’ve been silently pining for all this time would love to hear you express those feelings.

SAGITTARIU­S (November 22 to December 21)

Well-meaning friends might try to persuade you to give up on that project that seems to have hit a dead end. Someone will take notice, and your persistenc­e will pay off.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) It’s one thing to make a difficult decision, but you also have to stick with it, despite any pressures to get you to change your mind. You need to reassure someone you care for that you can keep your commitment­s.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) This is a good time for you to remember to be good to yourself. A trip to a place that was once very special in your life reawakens many precious memories, and soon leads to making new ones.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) An old health problem flares up and needs attention. Also, a chilly reaction from a oncewarm friend needs to be confronted. Set the record straight before it’s too late to save the friendship. BORN THIS WEEK:

You enjoy helping others. You have a taste for life’s luxuries and will take risks to get what you want. In matters of amour, you love deeply, and you expect your amorous intensity to be returned in kind.

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