Inyo Register

Perfect, spiritual and divine

- By Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer

In this article I wish to tell all those that read these articles, and even those that don’t, about their Divine heritage. Much has been said from multiple pulpits, in countless sermons and admonition­s about how you don’t measure up to God’s standards. I am here to tell you that even though that was told to you with good intentions, it doesn’t hold any more water than a bucket with a hole in it.

Of course, we must begin with the premise that God is Perfect. From the Bible we read that God made man in His own image and after His likeness. In other words, that which is perfect made man, which is also perfect. It could be no other way. So, in essence each of us is the son of God. However, only a few have recognized their divinity. Only a few have prepared their minds to receive this truth with all its power and majesty. Now you can be one of these. God has not favored you above others, you have chosen to follow this path.

The Bible tells us that God is so perfect that He cannot behold inequity. When God looks at you, all that can be seen is your perfection. Nothing needs to be added on to you and nothing needs to be subtracted. God is love and loving you right now. You may ask, what about my shortcomin­gs, what about my failures and what about when I missed the mark? When you realize through ignorance, fear, and superstiti­on you have come up short of God’s Glory, you have the ability to turn it around and reveal the real you. In Christiani­ty it is called Salvation. The Buddhist call it Realizatio­n, and there are other names from other discipline­s. What it means is that you have decided to walk in the light. “The Light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehend­ed not.” When the light shines in a darkened room, the darkness flees.

Paul tells us to renew our mind by putting off the old man and taking on the new man. The old man may have been using his mind in a negative and degrading way. The new man sees life as an ever-increasing spiral of goodness, truth and beauty. He does not dwell on the lack, loss and limitation of human folly. He is compassion­ate, loving and patient, and when he is wrong, he promptly admits it.

A student once asked me about the reality of evil. What I told him may seem too simplistic but I asked him to spell evil backwards. When he spelled l-i-v-e, he began to understand that the appearance of evil was backwards living. You are never condemned unless you do the condemning.

Say to yourself,

“God is within me right now, in every breath I breath, in every moment of time. My body is the vehicle for It’s expression, my mind an instrument for it’s thought. I know that the affirmativ­e life contains all the rewards of life itself. I carry a candle of truth that lights my way.

God is Love and Loving You Right Now!

(The Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer is minister at Bishop Church of Religious Science, located at 129 E. Line St., Bishop. Rev. Freda Lindsay and Rev. Walt officiate the weekly, Sunday services at 10 a.m. You can hear Rev. Walt’s message on “The Devotional Hour” on Sierra Wave KSRW 92.5 FM Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The church can be reached at (760) 873-4195 for more informatio­n.)

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