iPhone Life Magazine

The World of Time-Lapse

Capture every moment on your iPhone.


The iPhone makes it easy to create time-lapse videos right in the Camera app—no video editing required! It's as simple as pointing and tapping, like any other photo or video function on the iPhone. However, it's important to plan ahead so you get your time-lapse recording right the first time around, because it may not be possible to recreate the event. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to operate the iPhone's time-lapse feature and make sure the results are awesome on the first try.

A time-lapse video is a compressed video of an event that happens gradually. It's a collection of still images taken every few seconds that gives the impression of sped-up video. Time-lapse is great for capturing scenes like a sunset, ocean tides, a plant leaf unfurling, or city traffic at rush hour—things that would take too long to watch at regular speed. Time-lapse videos are popular, especially on social media, because they are brief and can often be humorous.

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