
I want more freedom from my mom!


Q: I just started high school, and I want more independen­ce from my mom! She still treats me the same as she did when I was in fifth grade! I want to be able to hang out with my friends at our town’s hangout spots and going to sleepovers! I want her to stop treating me like a child. Any advice? — Cherry, 14

A: Hey, Cherry! Starting high school is a major transition and we understand wanting more independen­ce. The best thing you can do to earn that independen­ce is to be responsibl­e. Follow rules, do things without having to be asked; in other words, impress your mom! You want her to see that you’re growing up and worthy of independen­ce. We also suggest taking on a new responsibi­lity, like tutoring or a school club — both of which are great ways to impress her. Good luck!

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