Journal-Advocate (Sterling)

Growing and changing

- For the Journaladv­ocate

How are we growing and changing? Are you doing today what you dreamed of as a youth? Is the world at all what you thought it would be?

Growing up in a small town, things seemed pretty simple. Once a week before school we would watch out the kitchen window in order to wave good morning to the trash men, then we would run out and collect the cans and put them away until the next week. Our waves were greeted with waves and sometimes horn honks. The workers back then got to ride on the back of the trucks.

It always looked so fun! Many of the children thought it would be great to grow up to be a garbage man or woman. I wonder how many actually did in our community! But for the kids, it was fun to wave and get waves and smiles back. Fun to watch them riding along on those big trucks!

What we didn’t think about was that it was hard work! Dumping those cans one after another all day! Holding onto the truck, driving, dumping, repeat! And probably waving at all the kids even when having a hard day! It surely wasn’t as fun as they made it seem to be. We were growing up in this crazy hard world. My friend Heidi has a lot of inspiratio­n about growing up in this world and where we find our shelter and where we find peace.

In this fishbowl with you, Monica von Steinman Always growing when the world is hard

Search me, O God, and

Monica von Steinman know my hear t!

Try me and know my thoughts!

And see if there be any grievous way in me,

and lead me in the way everlastin­g!

— Psalm 139:23-24

At some point in our lives, we all seem to have a moment when we realize that our parents (or other early caregivers) had a life before us. I remember when I was 10 years old or so and my mom had foot surger y. She had been a toe dancer when she was younger and needed replacemen­t joints in her big toes.

I remember thinking, Wait. What? My mom was once a ballerina?!

Before that moment, we mostly assume that our parents exist to take care of us. They have jobs and go to the grocer y store and lead pretty boring lives and in return, they get to stay up past our bedtimes. It rocks our worlds, to some extent, to envision our parents doing things without us, living without us.

Our early caregivers are designed to be a refuge, a shelter, a shady tree to sit beneath and grow when we are young so that when we are older, those memories and that shade will give us strength for the race and the battle that is adult life. Some of us got that shade a bit longer than others, some of us lived with both the shade and the shadow of the world’s challenges even when we were ver y young, and others of us, unfor tunately, got a whole lot less shade, shelter, and refuge than we needed.


Since the moment light was called into being and the waters were formed, God’s arms have been a shelter from the world.

Some of the most comfor ting Bible verses speak of God’s shelter or safety, and the psalms, in par ticular, are full of the visual picture of God as our refuge:

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my for tress, my God, in whom I trust.” — Psalm 91:1-2

Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continuall­y come;

you have given the command to save me,

for you are my rock and my for tress.

— Psalm 71:3

God is our refuge and strength,

A very present help in trouble.

— Psalm 46:1

For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;

he will lift me high upon a rock.

— Psalm 27:5

And of course, Psalm 139:7:

Where shall I go from your Spirit?

Or where shall I flee from your presence?




It can be easy to read the end of Psalm 139 very differentl­y. Initially, it seems that God searching and knowing our thoughts, especially when we are going through a hard time, is a terrible idea. How often do we hesitate to lay our thoughts, our emotions, or our mental health challenges before God … because then … He would know?

The textual note on Psalm 139:23 in most

Bibles of fers a useful clarifier: “know my thoughts!” in Psalm 139:23 may also be translated from the Biblical Hebrew as “know my cares!” There is possibly a vast difference for our understand­ing when we consider offering our cares to God, our struggles, our temptation­s, versus simply our thoughts. While they are both true, it is the knowledge that God cares about our cares that changes the picture so that we can begin to of fer Him all of our thoughts. We might begin by praying, “Dear God, know all that concerns me, know all that sits on my chest and weighs heavy on my heart. Lord, know my anxiety, know my burden, know my doubt. Lord, know my inner critic and my wounds and all that tempts me. Lord, know me.”

While our concerns and cares are often thoughts, it is good to recognize that we and our experience­s are more than the sum total of what we thought about today or what concerns us now. When the world is hard, it’s especially easy to have thoughts that ruminate and roll around and fight for space in our heads. We can feel beaten down by the ver y gift God intended to bring us confidence and the shelter of

His shade.

And still, God is our hiding place.

Throughout our whole lives, God tucks us into Him, especially when the world disappoint­s. He holds us in our mothers’ wombs. He holds us in our caregivers’ arms, or in the lack thereof. He holds us in our fight for independen­ce. He holds us when we hit our stride, when we wrestle with change, when we pray for the new season to come and when we mourn the last. He holds us when our hearts break and when our bodies fail us.

As we come to the end of our study of Psalm 139, I have one task for you. Look once more at Psalm 139 as a whole. Sit back and relax. Take a deep breath. Read Psalm 139 one more time and imagine how God has tucked you in during the different ages and stages of your life. Imagine how God provided shade when you were young, shelter as you grew, and refuge when the season made you wear y. Share in the comments one way you can see God sheltering you today, but also a way you can see God sheltered you yesterday or a hundred yesterdays ago, and then share one way you can imagine God sheltering you tomorrow.

God is our hiding place and we are always growing.

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