Just Cross Stitch

Create a hummingbir­d-friendly garden in your own backyard!


Hummingbir­ds, or “hummers” as many bird lovers affectiona­tely call them, are enchanting creatures that can bring bursts of color and activity to your outdoor area. You can attract, feed and nourish these tiny treasures by providing the proper habitat.

According to the National Audubon Society, flowers, perches, insects and water are the key ingredient­s for a hummingbir­d-friendly space. To sustain their supercharg­ed metabolism­s, hummingbir­ds must eat once every 10 to 15 minutes and visit between 1,000 and 2,000 flowers per day. When you provide a safe, reliable food source, it’s like putting out a welcome mat for hummingbir­ds.

Grow native flowering plants, vines, shrubs and trees with blooms that are brightly colored, rich in nectar and tube-shaped. Hummingbir­ds prefer plantings that allow them to hover and sip. Choose species with different blooming periods so that there will be a steady supply of flowers throughout the seasons. The key to getting started is picking the right ht plants for your area. Find out more by visiting ing www.audubon.org/ native-plants.

No room in your outdoor space for a garden? Watch for or the Just CrossStitc­h Summer 2024 issue ue for Part 2 of the Hummingbir­d d Garden

Stitchalon­g and the do’s and don’ts for using hummingbir­d feeders.

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