Kane Republican

Kane’s 25 Days of Christmas Kindness Challenge

- By Mayor Brandy Schimp

Let’s spread Christmas cheer through acts of service and kindness as we enter the holiday season.

December 1- Give someone a compliment

December 2- Make a Christmas card and drop it off at the Chamber office. Homemade cards will be accepted until Dec. 15th. All cards will be delivered to our friends at the Lutheran Home and Kane Senior Center.

December 3- Thank a nurse, medical profession­al, fire fighter, police officer or first responder

December 4- Visit the Friends’ Memorial Public Library and bring an item in for the SPCA drive. Be sure to sign up for a library card while you are there

December 5- Help a friend or neighbor with snow removal

December 6- Bring an item to the Kane Food Pantry from 10a-2p and let Deb Wensel give you a tour. If you can’t make it during those hours, items are also collected at Tops, Save a Lot, and area churches December 7- Thank a veteran December 8- Call someone just to catch up

December 9- Share a local business’s social media post. If not on social media, tell someone what you love about a local business

December 10- Contact an organizati­on you are interested in learning more about and possibly volunteeri­ng with

December 11- Surprise someone with a coffee or treat

December 12- Learn about local churches and ways you can add to their ministry

December 13- Write a thank you note to someone

December 14- Wave at someone and offer a smile

December 15- Pick 5 items you no longer need and donate them

December 16- Offer to help someone today

December 17- Color or draw a picture and mail it to a family member or friend

December 18- Take a walk and pick up any litter along the way

December 19- Be kind online and offer positive comments on social media

December 20- Drop off cleaning products and/or paper towels to the Kane Area Community Center

December 21- Spend some quality time with someone you love… commit to putting your phone away

December 22- Be kind to yourself and think of 3 things you love about yourself

December 23- Make a list of things you are thankful for and show appreciati­on by reaching out to those special people who helped contribute to your list

December 24- Share the excitement of holiday by telling someone a favorite Christmas memory

December 25- Hug someone you love and celebrate His birth

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