Kane Republican

Kane Girl Scout Troop ventures into Paris

- By Emily Parana

The bulk of our group arrived in Paris around 4:45 pm, and we headed straight to Montmartre. We fell in love with those Paris streets and headed straight up all of the steps to see the Basilica of Sacré-coeur.

We had dinner at a restaurant in Montmartre, scooped up our two delayed travelers and then headed to our hotel where thankfully there was a food truck making pizza. We bought some awesome pizza for them and headed to bed.

On Tuesday June 28, we headed back into the city for a driving tour around one of the markets and the Arc De Triomph before heading to the Eiffel Tower and the Latin Quarter. Afternoon free time included sightseein­g, shopping, and lunch for several of our travelers who tried escargot; Madie Meyers, Kylie Housler, Kylee Asel, Emma Cunningham, Angela Kribbs, Myrin Mallery, and Cris Mallery.

On Wednesday June 29, we headed back into the heart of Paris to visit the Louvre. It was another beautiful day and while we were waiting, a young man stripped down to his birthday suit and skipped all around the courtyard. He had taken the time to grease his skin to make him harder to capture. This bit of performanc­e art had everyone cracking up before we entered to Louvre to see the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, the Great Sphinx of Tanis, and Liberty Leading the People.

After our Louvre visit, we headed to the airport for our late afternoon flight to Florence. Our Air France flight was only 90 minutes long but took us along the edge of the Swiss Alps. Everyone was excited to have at least one photo of a snowcovere­d mountain.

Emma Cunningham’s luggage was lost on this flight and she only just got it back on August 15. We headed straight to our hotel, which was on the edge of the most amazing square. Our scouts and chaperones enjoyed the sights and sounds of people enjoying the square early in the morning and late in the evening gathering with their families while avoiding the heat.

The Kane Republican will continue Girl Scout Troop 90008’s adventures in Europe tomorrow and throughout the week. Tomorrow the scouts explore more of Florence.

 ?? Photo submitted ?? Troop 90008 before the Eiffel Tower on the European vacation in June.
Photo submitted Troop 90008 before the Eiffel Tower on the European vacation in June.

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