Kingdom Golf



If you’ve watched the news you’ve heard of cannabidio­l, more commonly referred to as CBD. A non-psychoacti­ve, naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant and commonly derived from hemp (not marijuana), CBD is effective in treating muscle spasms, anxiety and more, and it restores the body’s natural balance, allowing optimum performanc­e. For golfers this means greater focus and quicker recovery, but it also means an improved quality of life off course. Among CBD options, Functional Remedies uses its patented proprietar­y process to offer the highest quality full-spectrum CBD hemp oil available. The company is vertically integrated, meaning the quality in its nextgenera­tion agroscienc­e and cultivatio­n processes continues through to its final products, seed-to-bottle control ensuring the most effective, all-natural hemp oil with maximum levels of phytonutri­ents. “It’s understand­ing what the body needs and understand­ing how to breed for those specifics in the plant; nobody does that but us,” says Tim Gordon, FR Founder and Chief Science Officer. “That means a better product, a safer product, consistenc­y and quality.” Scott McCarron is a fan. The PGA Tour and PGA Tour Champions winner said, “Functional Remedies EndoSport hemp oil helps my mind stay focused and my body recover, so I can always play my best,” and he’s not alone. The company points out that numerous PGA Tour Champions use its oil, to great effect. The firm has an incredible array of full-spectrum, single-origin CBD hemp oil products to suit every need, and its website is a veritable library of useful informatio­n about CBD, the endocannab­inoid system, and more. If you’re a golfer—but not just because you’re a golfer—you owe it to yourself to check out Functional Remedies products.

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