Kitsap Sun

Democracy faces a toxic threat: Our attitude about fellow Americans

- Tim Swarens is USA TODAY’s deputy Opinion editor.

Early in life, I heard the prophets of doom declare adamantly and repeatedly that the end was near for most, if not all, of us. And that our annihilati­on would come via a soul-chilling variety of means: nuclear Armageddon, overpopula­tion, global famine.

Yet here we are, living in the most prosperous and arguably the most peaceful time in human history. I know it doesn’t feel that way. But, thankfully, peace and prosperity don’t care about our feelings.

So, I’ve chosen, despite daily reminders of the fragility of life on this planet, to fight for optimism. After all, it costs nothing to be hopeful. And quite a lot to live in worry and fear.

American democracy faces significan­t threats

Still, there is one critical area where current trends increasing­ly overwhelm the case for optimism: the future of American democracy.

Friday was the Internatio­nal Day of Democracy. Why am I concerned about democracy?

Americans’ trust in many major institutio­ns (the criminal justice system, Congress, the police, public schools, organized religion, newspapers, tech companies) is at or near record lows. We tend not to listen to people or organizati­ons we don’t trust, and if we won’t listen to one another, it’s nearly impossible for a democratic society to function well.

Americans in recent years have become much more tribal in our thinking about people who don’t share our political and social opinions. A Pew Research poll last year found that 72% of Republican­s say Democrats are more dishonest and immoral than other Americans; more than 60% of Democrats ascribe those character flaws to Republican­s. How willing are you to compromise, even for the common good, with someone you believe to be dishonest and immoral? And without compromise, a government for and by the people really doesn’t work.

The rapid decline of local news organizati­ons has led to the emergence of “news deserts” in vast swaths of America. By one estimate, 70 million Americans now or will soon live in communitie­s where no local journalism organizati­on is informing citizens about important issues that affect their lives. Nor are journalist­s in those communitie­s holding local government leaders accountabl­e for their actions. The lack of critical informatio­n and accountabi­lity, both essential in a democracy, will over time poison local government­s and further erode citizens’ trust in their leaders and institutio­ns.

A former American president − our former president, whether you like or loathe him − has been indicted on criminal charges in four cases this year. Two of those cases involve efforts to overturn the 2020 election, including a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol. This should be a time of national mourning and reflection, followed by a commitment to change our trajectory. Instead, we’re trudging, set in our opinions, toward an election year that may pull our nation apart in ways we haven’t seen since the chaos and despair of 1968.

A federal appeals court earlier this month found that Joe Biden’s White House, the FBI, the surgeon general and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “likely coerced or significan­tly encouraged social media platforms to moderate content” in probable violation of the First Amendment. The fact that a broad array of officials targeted the might of the federal behemoth against Americans’ First Amendment rights ought to alarm anyone who understand­s that the biggest threat to democracy is the unchecked power of government.

Health of democracy can’t be taken for granted

I could go on − and on. But the goal here isn’t to leave you discourage­d or depressed. Remember, I choose hope and optimism. The point rather is to remind us that the health of our democracy can’t be taken for granted, especially now.

If you want to be a part of the solution and not a source of the problem, here are a few questions to ask yourself: How often do you engage in thoughtful conversati­ons with fellow Americans who don’t share your political views? How willing are you to listen to opposing opinions? Is your default setting to ridicule or dismiss those who have different life experience­s and viewpoints than your own? Do you truly value American diversity, or do you think our nation would be better off if we had 50 shades of Vermont or 50 of Oklahoma?

The theme in those questions is more about attitude than actions. What our democracy needs most now is a change in attitude, a willingnes­s among more Americans to extend respect, courtesy and grace to those who don’t share their opinions, or even their values.

Are we doomed as a democracy? I choose to say no. But it will take years of hard work to repair the damage we are now inflicting on our nation and ourselves.

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