Kitsap Sun


Keeping trades alive in a younger generation

- Karen L. Scott, Bremerton

The young minds in our vibrant community are the future of our world. Many young adults are not always exposed to the trade skills, which is one of the most vital profession­s in our world. A trade skill is a important asset for people to know, and can be a great career opportunit­y for the younger generation.

Our team at Nexus Electric went out to the Boys and Girls Club in North Mason to expose their members to the Electrical trade profession. Veronica and Austin, our electrical trainees, implemente­d an activity that offered a hands-on experience for the club members to explore the mysteries of electricit­y. Our team divided the members so that they could teach them more one-on-one on how to build a fully-operationa­l electrical outlet. Once the boxes were completed, the Nexus staff members took their team to an outlet, which they hooked up to each box and tested their operation. In addition to building the outlets, our staff guided the members on the ins and outs of electrical wires and the tools they were using.

This education is an important piece of the activity, so that the members were able to fully comprehend each stage of the building process. To keep it light and engaging, Austin and Veronica also offered a sweet Gatorade reward when members completed their boxes or answered questions about electrical. We look forward to providing the continued support to youth within our community to help keep the electrical trade alive and fun.

Deborah Rants, Port Orchard

Oyster Bay shelter really isn’t our best option

Does Mayor Wheeler know what the word “option” means? Option: noun: A thing that is or may be chosen.

Mayor Wheeler is pushing through his plan for the City’s response to the homeless crisis. He was tasked with providing three options, congregate warehouse style housing, emergency tent community and temporary pallet shelters. Instead of investigat­ing the cost and possible locations of each option he has discarded two of the options and has pursued only one; the costliest and least dignified option of a congregate warehouse style. He plans to present this ‘option’ to City Council in an attempt to bully them into approving it as the deadline for a decision is fast approachin­g. With this move, the Mayor has determined that he, and he alone was the decider of what is right for Bremerton. He will be giving the City Council one ‘option’ and in effect saying he doesn’t respect their authority.

In a recent City Council meeting, when discussing the implementa­tion of the No-Camping ordinance and mandated removal of the tents along city streets on November 1st, the mayor stated that with the opening of the shelter, he had provided the homeless community an ‘option’ for shelter. When the alternativ­e is jail, it is not an option.

He continues to use the word ‘option’ when his actions should be more accurately described as ultimatum. Last time I checked, he was required to work with other elected officials for the betterment of our city, not to dictate his will.

Randall and Bridget Buchanan, Bremerton

Help families by expanding credit for children

Let’s feed our hungry children! Lately, I have received, almost daily, request from various nonprofits to donate to help feed hungry children, many of these are for children of our own country. I certainly want those children fed and donate what I can.

How can it be that the wealthiest nation on the planet has children who do not have enough food to eat? Yes, we have SNAP, but it does not reach everyone in need.

Our government has a program, the Child Tax Credit, that in its past expanded version helped reduce childhood poverty by 46% – subsequent­ly also reducing childhood food insecurity.

Let’s get the Child Tax Credit expanded again so more families and their children have increased food security, reducing hunger.

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