Knoxville News Sentinel

How to start a Civil War: Larson puts reader in lead-up to America’s deadliest conflict


Most middle-school students are taught that the first shot of the Civil War was fired by Confederat­e artillery toward Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor on April 12, 1861. The fort’s Union garrison quickly surrendere­d, and the war was on. But beyond those basic facts, most Americans, even those with a solid understand­ing of the causes and costs of that fratricide, know little of the months-long series of events that led to the shooting.

Erik Larson wants to change that and has written “The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War” to illuminate the complicate­d, passionate, and often shortsight­ed actions that started America’s deadliest conflict.

In “The Demon of Unrest,” Larson skillfully applies the storytelli­ng techniques perfected through several bestseller­s, including “The Splendid and the Vile,” “Dead Wake,” “In the Garden of Beasts,” and “The Devil in the White City.”

His historical sources, the people who lived the events from the 1860 presidenti­al election to the firing on Sumter, range from Southerner­s like diarist Mary Chesnut and “fire-eater” Edmund Ruffin to Northerner­s like the crafty William Seward and resolute Gen. Winfield Scott. It was Scott who famously declared that anyone interferin­g with the congressio­nal certificat­ion of the electoral vote count would be “lashed to the muzzle of a twelve-pounder and fired out the window of the Capitol.”

Thanks to the thousands of surviving telegrams, railway schedules, diary pages, newspapers, letters, and memoranda – many of which were secret at the time – Larson has provided an almost hour-by-hour account of the blundering and scheming during the last five

The book provides an almost hour-by-hour account of the blundering and scheming during the last five months of peace. months of peace.

In his narrative, Larson makes it clear that the Civil War was a cultural conflict in which one of the cultures was dependent on slave labor. Over the structure of racism and cruelty that protected their power, the Southern planter class, especially in South Carolina, had constructe­d a veneer of “honor” that presented the impression of respectabi­lity. This perverse set of social rules, practiced by people who called themselves “the Chivalry,” is reflected in the book’s section epigraphs, which Larson quoted from an 1858 pamphlet enumeratin­g the rules for dueling. A culture that believed dueling to be an honorable means of settling disputes was unlikely to view compromise as a solution to serious political

Erik Larson will discuss "The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War" at the Bijou Theatre in Knoxville at 7 p.m. Monday, May 13.


From the Northern perspectiv­e, Southern aristocrac­y was largely a mystery. None of the Union leaders, from Abraham Lincoln to Seward to the other members of the incoming administra­tion, could comprehend a moral code that justified slavery. They believed that compromise could be found, that secession would be avoided, that bloodshed was not necessary. And in the profound cultural misunderst­anding between North and South lay the fertile seeds of war. Larson notes that “the North, like the rest of the modern world, thought slavery a fundamenta­l evil,” and the South believed that condemning the perpetrato­rs of slavery “impugned the honor of the entire Southern white race.”

‘The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War’

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