La Semana

Trump, Clinton win big



TULSA, OK – Tuesday night was one of celebratio­n for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, with the billionair­e winning five states up for grabs in Republican primaries while the former Secretary of State easily won the Democratic primaries in six states.


Senator Ted Cruz won his home state of Texas, just as Senator Bernie Sanders did in Vermont.

It was a different story in Oklahoma, where self-described Democratic Socialist Sanders defeated Clinton by a sizeable margin and won the vast majority of the state’s counties. Just a few months ago, no one would have predicted that the most leftist candidate in years would win a primary in a state commonly known as “the reddest of the red.”

Sanders supporter Bruce Niemi described the victory as “a foundation for change in Oklahoma Democratic politics.”

Oklahoma was also one of two states denied to GOP front-runner Trump, who lost here to Cruz 35%-30%. Florida Senator Marco Rubio came in third here with 24%.

In Arkansas, former state First Lady Clinton trounced Sanders, and Trump beat Cruz and Rubio who at this publicatio­n’s press time were in a battle for second place. What comes next

With two state wins adding to his initial victory in Iowa, Cruz is now in a strong position to urge the remaining GOP contenders to bow out of the race, leaving him to take on Trump alone. Rubio, however, vowed to stay in the fray until the convention.

“I will do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump is not the Republican nominee,” Rubio said.

As votes from the Minnesota caucus slowly came in, that state appeared to be the only one Rubio stood to win.

Sanders did not expect to win big on Super Tuesday, but exceeded expectatio­ns in Oklahoma, had a promising early lead in Colorado, and has a war chest of at least $43 million with which to continue his crusade for at least a few more states. Still, Clinton’s advantage with Democratic “super delegates” makes it a tall mountain for Sanders to climb.

Florida, in two weeks, is the next big prize. (La Semana)

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