La Semana

Proyecto Santa Lucía de AMLO se impone en referendum

Mexico president-elect halts partly built airport


Se enfrentaba­n dos proyectos, Texcoco y Santa Lucía. El primero, plan estrella del gobierno del presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. El segundo, la opción del presidente electo, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, quien asumirá el próximo 1 de diciembre.

Fue la opción de Santa Lucía la que se impuso en la consulta "México Decide", un inédito ejercicio de participac­ión ciudadana sobre el nuevo aeropuerto internacio­nal de México.

Los mexicanos que participar­on en la consulta, realizada entre el 25 y el 28 de octubre, rechazaron continuar con las obras del nuevo aeropuerto en Texcoco, en el Estado de México, y apoyaron el plan de López Obrador de ampliar la Base Aérea Militar de Santa Lucía, situada también en esa entidad.

Este plan obtuvo el 69,95% de los votos de las 1.067.859 personas que participar­on en la consulta.


Constructi­on of a partially built new airport for Mexico City is to be halted after it was rejected in a referendum, President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said.

Mr López Obrador, who takes office in December, said money would be used instead to improve existing facilities.

He has been a strong critic of the project which he says is bad for the environmen­t and tainted by corruption.

The referendum was one of Mr López Obrador's campaign promises.

About one million people took part in the vote over four days, about 1% of the electorate, and critics have alleged cases of people casting multiple ballots.

The estimated cost of the new airport at Texcoco, north-east of the capital, has been put at more than $13bn.

The government of outgoing President Enrique Peña Nieto says it would create up to 450,000 jobs and business leaders have insisted the new facility is needed to ease traffic at Mexico City's ageing main airport.

But Mr López Obrador said that the current internatio­nal airport would instead be upgraded and two runways would be added at a military airfield south of the city.

It is unclear what will happen to the site at Texcoco where the foundation­s for the airport have already been built.

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