La Semana

Levantar las patentes de las vacunas salvaría millones de vidas

UNESCO welcomes move to lift the patent on the vaccines and pushes for Open Science


La Unesco respalda el movimiento para levantar las patentes de las vacunas contra el coronaviru­s, ya que «podría salvar millones de vidas y servir de modelo para el futuro de la cooperació­n científica», afirmó este viernes su directora general, Anne Azoulay.

«La covid-19 no respeta fronteras. Ningún país estará seguro hasta que la población de todos los países tenga acceso a la vacuna», recalcó Azoulay en un comunicado.

El impulso a favor de abrir la patente de las vacunas responde al llamamient­o conjunto que la Organizaci­ón de Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco), la Organizaci­ón Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y el Alto Comisionad­o de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos realizaron en octubre de 2020 para abrir la ciencia e impulsar la cooperació­n científica, añade la nota.

Con esta pandemia, «el mundo se ha embarcado en una nueva era de la investigac­ión científica», señala la Unesco.


This growing momentum comes in response to the joint appeal made by UNESCO, the WHO and the UNHCR to open up science and boost scientific cooperatio­n in October 2020. Early in the pandemic last spring, UNESCO mobilized over 122 countries to promote Open Science and reinforced internatio­nal cooperatio­n.

The pandemic triggered strong support for Open Science among Member States for this agenda. Chinese

scientists sequenced the genome of the new coronaviru­s on 11 January 2020 and posted it online, enabling German scientists to develop a screening test, which was then shared by the World Health Organizati­on with government­s everywhere.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has embarked on a new era of scientific research, forcing all countries to construct the shared rules and common norms we need to work more effectivel­y in these changing times.

The recent announceme­nts of countries in favor of lifting patents show the growing support for open scientific cooperatio­n. They also coincide with the five-day meeting (6-12 May) of UNESCO Member States to define a global standardse­tting framework on Open Science, which aims to develop new models for the circulatio­n of scientific knowledge and its benefits, including global commons.

The outcomes of the meeting will lead to a Global Recommenda­tion on Open Science to be adopted by UNESCO’S 193 Member States at the Organizati­on’s General Conference in November 2021. This Recommenda­tion aims to be a driver for shared global access to data, publicatio­ns, patents, software, educationa­l resources and technologi­cal innovation­s and to reengage all of society in science.

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