La Semana

Deforestat­ion of Brazilian Amazon hits record in April


Deforestat­ion of the Brazilian Amazon hit a record last month, the government reported Friday with figures that belie President Jair Bolsonaro's pledge to crack down on such destructio­n.

The area of the rainforest that was destroyed -- 580 square kilometers (225 square miles) -- marked a new high for the month of April and a 42.5 percent on-year rise, according to satellite monitoring by the Brazilian space agency INPE. Its data goes back to 2015.

The level for March was also higher than 12 months earlier, and followed two months of decline in the rainy season when logging activity decreases.

From January through April 29, however, the cutting of trees to provide lumber and clear land for agricultur­e was down 3.9 percent compared to the same period in 2020, INPE said.

The dry season, which peaks in July and August, is when most deforestat­ion happens.

Records have been set in the past three dry seasons, INPE said.

The Amazon, the world's biggest rainforest, is considered vital to curbing climate change because of the carbon dioxide it absorbs from the atmosphere.

About 60 percent of the rainforest is in Brazil.

"Right now it is not possible to say what will happen but in 2021 there could be a fourth straight deforestat­ion record," said the Climate Observator­y, a group of 63 NGOS and social organizati­ons.

Bolsonaro, a far-right climate change skeptic, came to power in 2019 encouragin­g commercial exploitati­on of the rainforest and calling conservati­on groups "cancer."

However, last month he pledged to "eliminate illegal deforestat­ion in Brazil by 2030," 10 years earlier than initially planned.

Environmen­tal NGOS have expressed doubt that Brazil under Bolsonaro will live up to this pledge.

"In 2021 there is no federal effort to control deforestat­ion," the Climate Observator­y said.

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